Got Facebook?

I’m a fan of social media and are always looking for new way to spread my music and connect with new fans. Now I’m integrating my site with facebook and other social platforms.

I just added the ability to use your facebook account to comment and tell your friends about my music, upcoming albums, videos and other news you stumble upon while reading. In the coming weeks I will also implement functions to support more sites like Twitter, MySpace, Google, etc.

People that connect with my site and become fans will of course receive first hand exclusive deals and free songs before anyone else. Be sure to drop comments on my posts and tell all your friends.

Facebook comments

4 Replies to “Got Facebook?”

  1. hey. I saw you play at the Slussen Hilton before xmas. You were great (although I felt Jonestown was anti-American!) Do folks know you here in the US/NYC area?

    Have you had much press here? Let me know if you have NOT been in any big US magazines.


    1. Hi Chris!
      I’m not in the NYC area. I’m in Orlando, FL. I don’t think Jonestown is anti-American. It’s a song about taking the consequences for your own actions and not putting your life in someone elses hands, like the people of Jonestown did. That ended in a disaster. No I suppose I haven’t been in any US magazines yet. If you have any ideas you would like to run by me and my record label, feel free to send an email to
      best Sofia

  2. hey. I saw you play at the Slussen Hilton before xmas. You were great (although I felt Jonestown was anti-American!) Do folks know you here in the US/NYC area?

    Have you had much press here? Let me know if you have NOT been in any big US magazines.


    1. Hi Chris!
      I’m not in the NYC area. I’m in Orlando, FL. I don’t think Jonestown is anti-American. It’s a song about taking the consequences for your own actions and not putting your life in someone elses hands, like the people of Jonestown did. That ended in a disaster. No I suppose I haven’t been in any US magazines yet. If you have any ideas you would like to run by me and my record label, feel free to send an email to
      best Sofia

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