När jag planerade att turnera i en husbil hade jag en massa tankar om att vi skulle driva all el via solpaneler och annat innan jag insåg hur enormt dyrt det är att göra det. Men om man bortser från att husbilen drar en massa bensin handlar det ändå om att leva sparsamt, både med vatten, el och pengar. Ekostil – Sveriges största Eko-blogg haffade mig för att göra en liten intervju om turnén. Läs den här:

We met this musician that had converted his tour bus to running on vegetable oil from the resturants, but he said it was a hassle to go around to get the oil.
A friend of ours has an old Volvo he converted to bio… he does pretty good getting oil, but then we live in a large metropolitan area.
His exhaust… the car’s, not his… reminds me of McDonald’s french fries. 🙂
I think that what you are saving on water, electricity and money will offset the cost of gasoline. One would think, that as long as we have had solar technology, it would not still be so horrendously expensive. We can blame ‘Big Oil’ for that!