This week’s guest artist: Tom Levin

Worldwide release!

In the end of October 2009 I’m releasing my third album “Jonestown” in the USA and later on in Japan. To give you a preview of the songs from the album I have gathered 12 of my favorite Swedish artists who will each perform one song from the album live with me on tape. Every week a new video is released, with a new song and a new guest artist.

This week I have the pleasure to present Tom Levin.

Sofia Talvik / Tom Levin – Arms and armour

Tom’s teenage years took him to Alaska, where he lived as an exchange student. It was here that his vocal talents were first discovered when the host family’s daughter heard him singing in the shower. Urged on by the host family’s belief in his abilities, Tom made his debut as a soloist in the school choir. But when Tom returned to Sweden, he put his music on the back shelf and started studying economics.
In June 2007 Tom’s song “Please disturb me” reach 4 reached 4 on AC/hot AC/New Music Weekly in the USA and it reached 3 on Independent Music Networks Mainstream.

On the 12th of December 2006 Tom Levin’s song “Just” reached 1 on New Music Weekly’s radio charts in the US (specifically the AC/Hot AC Main Chart and AC/Hot AC Indie Chart), and has to date been 1 for four consecutive weeks. “Just” also reached 8 on the Hot 100 Chart / New Music Weekly, and the Top 100 Chart / Friday Morning Quarter Back / ACQB.
Tom’s new album “Unfair in my favor” was released on June 11.

Got Facebook?

I’m a fan of social media and are always looking for new way to spread my music and connect with new fans. Now I’m integrating my site with facebook and other social platforms.

I just added the ability to use your facebook account to comment and tell your friends about my music, upcoming albums, videos and other news you stumble upon while reading. In the coming weeks I will also implement functions to support more sites like Twitter, MySpace, Google, etc.

People that connect with my site and become fans will of course receive first hand exclusive deals and free songs before anyone else. Be sure to drop comments on my posts and tell all your friends.

Facebook comments

Rocking Toronto!

We had a great gig in Toronto last night. We played at Bread & Circus in Kensington Market, a lovely area that reminded me alot of Ashbury Heights in San Fransisco. Lots of organic food and alternative clothing.
At first we were a bit dissapointed, after the last band had soundchecked for like two hours, we were told to hurry up and got a 10 minute soundcheck. Luckily we’re pretty few and pretty well prepaired so we were ok anyway. The show was great, Jonas played the iPhone, Jocke descended to an old piano in the midst of the audience for “Will you call me when you’re sober” and “Jonestown and Christian was brilliant as always.

The best thing though was to meet so many nice people. Some that I have had contact with via myspace and facebook and a Norweigan artist called Ingrid Olava and her band. I really liked their gig, so check them out! At midnight jetlag set in on me and I had to go back to the studio for some sleep. Not surprisingly the band stayed behind… I really must get better at this rock’n’roll lifestyle!

Here’s a small vid from last nights gig, as Jonas is on stage with us most of the time now, there’s not a lot of live videos but I hope you enjoy this short piece from “Running out of you”.

12 new videos. Swedish artist palooza.

Last summer before the release of my latest album “Jonestown” I did a grand campaign with Swedish MySpace. During 12 weeks I performed all of the 12 songs from my album, with 12 different Swedish artists. I released a new video on MySpace each week.

Well it’s Wednesday today and I’ve collected all of my friends videos and are throwing a party with you all on my videopage.

I’ve decided to call it the “Sofiapalooza”. Why? According to the Urban Dictionary the word Palooza means:

The art of throwing a very drunken extravagent party with a plethora of friends. Whoever is throwing the palooza usually adds their name as a prefix to the word. Paloozas are usually held on Wednesday.

Come on in and watch the SOFIAPALOOZA!

Social media monday

I’m currently trying to connect all of my social media sites to update and talk to each others. A bit confusing but it’s working pretty decent. My website is run from wordpress and i got plugins that will publish updates of my posts to, My RSS feed is feeding with all the news and my facebook and myspace pages are picking it up and publishing it on my pages there.

If anyone got any other smooth solutions to integrating stuff more, feel free to contact me. You’ll find me online on these links. 🙂
