Can you believe it’s been two years since covid disrupted the world, including my then US tour? I parked my tour RV Lil’Chief and jumped on a plane back to Europe to wait out a few months of pandemic, ready to return for my Fall tour in August 2020 … or so I thought. A few months turned into half a year, which turned into a year, a year and a half, and now we’re here, ready to pick up where we left it. But things are far from what they were before the pandemic. Venues and concert series have folded, leaving me with less than a fully stacked tour. And of course Lil’Chief has been sitting idle for 2 years.
All this adds up to a lot of extra costs, and because of this we have decided to put up a GoFundMe to help lessen the financial burden. Please check out the fundraiser here! And if you can’t help with a dollar or two, please help me share the fundraiser on your social media.
Go here to check out all the upcoming gigs on the U.S. tour: https://sofiatalvik.com/gigs
Thank you so much! Hope to see you on the road!