Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
[quote] This week, area venues will host shows by two talented singer-songwriter-guitarists who have been on the scene for a while and appear ready to have breakout years. Sofia Talvik has a show tonight at PhilaMoca in Philadelphia and June 28 at Chaplin’s in Spring City. [/quote]
Denny Dyroff – Daily Local News
Philadelphia newspaper Daily Local News published a nice interview today for my show at the PhilaMOCA in Philadelphia, PA tonight (Wednedsday) and my upcoming show on June 28 at Chaplin’s in Spring City. You can read it all here!
A couple of days ago I visited The Left End on WERS 88.9 FM in Boston and you can tune in and listen to it Sunday night (early Monday morning) June 25th 12:15 am EST. So all you Europeans are in luck as this means Monday morning for you. Pretty early but still. I’ll also try to put up a link so that you can listen later on if you miss it. To listen go to http://wers.org/ and click either of the buttons on the top of the page that says LISTEN LIVE (you can also click directly here)!
When I got there they told me about this lady that had been there a day before me with all her foot pedals … turned out to be fellow Swede Theresa Andersson. Too bad we missed each other in Boston!
Due to heavy traffic and a car accident on the way out from Cambridge, MA today, I wasn’t able to make it to my show at Longfellow Square in Portland, ME. I hope I get to come to Maine another time to see all my fans then. Until then I’m sorry I didn’t make it today. Instead you can find us at the open mic at Vic’s Boathouse at Victoria station in Salem, MA tonight.
Sofia Talvik is doing her 100th gig on the tour tonight
Today May 29th I’m doing the 100th gig on the Drivin’ & Dreaming tour! We’ve had such a journey, been all through the deep south, in Texas for SxSW and back to the east coast, and now we’re hitting number 100 in New York City tonight at Pianos (7pm).
The tour has been amazing so far. I’ve experienced so much and met so many wonderful people. But it’s by no means over. We’re fully booked until August in NY, MA, ME, CT, PA, OH, IL and IA and we will keep on trucking towards the west coast. I hope to see so many more friendly faces and keep spreading my music like a wildfire over the US. If you haven’t got my new album yet there’s a limited amount of physical CDs for sale here!
Tonight only there will be free Drivin’ & Dreaming t-shirts for everyone (first come first served) so don’t miss out on celebrating my 100th gig with me at Pianos in NYC!
Here’s a selection of what people has said about my shows so far:
[quote] Of all the voices – and man, they seem to issue them at birth to Swedish women – Talvik has the most faith in hers in an “I don’t need a theatrical gimmick” kind of way.” [/quote]
– Austin Chronicle
[quote] Listening to her music, an otherworldly edge, surprising twists and powerful, haunting vocals make her much more than just another pretty folk-pop-acoustic performer.”[/quote]
– Atlanta Retro
[quote] Sofia Talvik is absolutely freaking gorgeous, and her charming stage presence drew me in, all the more. Not only is she a great singer, she fingerpicks her acoustic flawlessly, reminiscent of the steady subtle perfection of Nick Drake’s Pink Moon. [/quote]
On May 20th at 7pm I’ll visit the online radio station 40FootHoleStudio’sshow Ladies Night to play a couple of songs and talk about my tour. It’s a show about female artists and their music (men are also welcome to listen though). The show is aired every Sunday at 7pm EST. / 12am UK time and can be heard in 30 countries.
“Founder Dave McMahon, whose musical devotion lies somewhere between fan and fanatic, explained how he first started as an internet DJ. ‘I love music,” he said “but I hate radio.’”
Which explains why the station is focused on indie music and not top 40 and have no commercial ads in between the songs.
You can check out 40FootHoleStudio’s Facebooksite to see their latest updates and if you want to listen live, just click here.