Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
My latest album “Florida” has just been released in a special Christmas edition in Japan through Cocoheart records. The album consists of the songs from “Florida” along with a few Christmas singles. Here’s a couple of links to Japanese blogs that has written about the album 🙂
Even though I actually played World of Warcraft for a while, and have a lvl 60 gnome called Znorfia, I kind of feel like Penny in the Big Bang Theory when it comes to Second Life. But that makes it even funnier that I’m doing a live Christmas concert in Second Life.
I will be playing at “OneLove”, a wintry stage built especially for this event by Aallotar Takaaki. The Concert will take place this Thursday at 10pm Swedish time. The stage is at Iendi Laville (pronounce “jändi”) and Apollon Allen’s new sim Yadkin Valley, and is hosted by OneLove Events. OneLove Events is a new place in Second Life and is meant to be something for everyone.
I’m always intrigued by trying out new ways to spread my music so it’s exciting to do a show in Second Life.
I’m playing the same songs as I played at my Stockholm Christmas concert last week, so this is a way for all of you who missed that concert to see me (kind of) live no matter where you live. All proceeds from the concert will go directly to ECPAT for their campaign “Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People”.
““Santa” has that 80’s music vibe that will make listeners bob their heads unknowingly. Imagine Santa Claus bouncing around with a Mohawk, jean jacket and tight leather pants. It is a cheerful, bubbly and hope-filled piece that will bring positive energy to Talvik’s cause this year.” Read the full review here.
“This year’s single, “Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)”, was just released today, and it’s every bit as good as I expected it to be (which is a relief, because I often worry when my expectations get too high for something). Musically, “Santa” is a fun, synthesizer-based pop song that would not sound out of place on a mid-80s Madonna album. If you’re a fan of songs like “Last Christmas”, this song is a must hear.” Read full review here
Stubby’s House of Christmas wrote in their review:>
“I love this woman. And every year Sofia Talvik releases a free Christmas song, so what’s not to love? This year’s effort is a fairly uptempo danceable indie track, even if the lyrics are the “I’ve been alone since we split up” type. It might be her catchiest yet.” Read the whole review here
Fab Womens Radio has already put “Santa” in rotation and writes on their website: “Highlights? Just about every single track, but why not start with this week’s FEATURED FEMMEP3, a glorious new track from our favorite Swedish singer-songwriter, Sofia Talvik, titled, “Santa”.”
Every year I release a free single as a Christmas gift for my fans, but since Christmas also is a time for reflection I also urge my fans to support a good cause or a charity organization.
This year’s single “Santa” is given away to benefit The Body Shop and ECPAT’s world-wide campaign “Stop Sex Trafficking”, a campaign to bringing awareness of this modern-day slave trade that takes place around us, trafficking of children and young people. The single “Santa” is free to download as long as you help spread the message to all your friends on Facebook.
I would like to welcome you to my annual Christmas concert “Sofia Talvik’s Julmys” at Clarion Sign in Stockholm, Sweden, December 1st!
We’re going to treat you to a super cosy evening, starting with Christmas songs from the Swedish Lucia candidates to set the mood and then some lovely Christmassy songs from me and my band. I’m also very happy to announce that renowned jazz singer Anna Christoffersson will be joining me for a couple of songs. The evening starts at 6pm (kl 18) and me and my band will be on stage at 8pm (kl 20).
There is no cover charge so bring all your friends!
The evening will also be a little release party for my new Christmas single “Santa” which will be released the same day. This year I’m releasing it in collaboration with The Body Shop’s and ECPAT’s campaign “Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People“.
You will all be able to support the campaign by downloading it for free here on sofiatalvik.com