Be a part of my new album – L

Sofia Talvik - Pledge Music

Hi friends, this is a humble request so please bear with me.

I’m trying to raise funds for my new album “L”, the first EP of an four piece EP saga called L.O.V.E, and I’d be very grateful if you could help.  As a thank-you you can download the EP free once it’s completed. It would mean a great deal to me if you would be a part of this musical saga. The minimum pledge of 10$ gets you the download when it’s done, but if you invest in an exclusive item that I have for sale the download is free.

Help me fund this album and check out the exclusives at:

Total funds right now:

By using a fan-funded model to raise the money to release the first EP “L”, not only would you be influencing and enabling the release, you would have access to many rare opportunities to own a piece of my musical journey. And in the end the whole “L.O.V.E” saga.
“L.O.V.E” consists of four separate EP’s with four tracks each, that will be released every 3 months during 2011.
The funding will pay for studio time, producer time, mastering and artwork.

Please read more about how this works at:

20% of the profits will go to a charity that is close to my heart; ECPAT. Your donation will support ECPAT International’s work to prevent, protect and seek justice for child victims of sexual exploitation through legal, social and policy work undertaken for and with child survivors to deliver better care, improve practices and policies and ensure justice.

I run my own label Makaki Music, produce everything myself and I’m very hands on with the music and everything around it. All the bundles are endorsed and personally produced. They represent a personal part of me and I want to share that with you.

Please help me get this EP funded today!

Sofia Talvik

Santa – reviews

Sofia Talvik annual Christmas single "Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)"

My new Xmas single “Santa” has only been out for a day but I’ve already got some lovely reviews:

Women’s Radio has written a fun review:

“Santa” has that 80’s music vibe that will make listeners bob their heads unknowingly.  Imagine Santa Claus bouncing around with a Mohawk, jean jacket and tight leather pants.  It is a cheerful, bubbly and hope-filled piece that will bring positive energy to Talvik’s cause this year.
Read the full review here.

Free Christmas Music Blog says:

“This year’s single, “Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)”, was just released today, and it’s every bit as good as I expected it to be (which is a relief, because I often worry when my expectations get too high for something). Musically, “Santa” is a fun, synthesizer-based pop song that would not sound out of place on a mid-80s Madonna album.  If you’re a fan of songs like “Last Christmas”, this song is a must hear.”
Read full review here

Santas Working Overtime has chosen “Santa” as song of the day! Thanks!

Wears the Trousers magazine did a nice little write up – check it out here! .. as did the lovely blog With Music in My Mind!

Stubby’s House of Christmas wrote in their review:>
“I love this woman.  And every year Sofia Talvik releases a free Christmas song, so what’s not to love?  This year’s effort is a fairly uptempo danceable indie track, even if the lyrics are the “I’ve been alone since we split up” type.  It might be her catchiest yet.”

Read the whole review here

Fab Womens Radio has already put “Santa” in rotation and writes on their website:
“Highlights?  Just about every single track, but why not start with this week’s FEATURED FEMMEP3, a glorious new track from our favorite Swedish singer-songwriter, Sofia Talvik, titled, “Santa”.”

Download your copy of “Santa” here

Sofia Talvik annual Christmas single "Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)"
Sofia Talvik annual Christmas single "Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)"

FREE Xmas single is released TODAY!

Sofia Talvik annual Christmas single "Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)"
Sofia Talvik annual Christmas single "Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)"
Sofia Talvik annual Christmas single "Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)"

Every year I release a free single as a Christmas gift for my fans, but since Christmas also is a time for reflection I also urge my fans to support a good cause or a charity organization.

This year’s single “Santa” is given away to benefit The Body Shop and ECPAT’s world-wide campaign “Stop Sex Trafficking”, a campaign to bringing awareness of this modern-day slave trade that takes place around us, trafficking of children and young people. The single “Santa” is free to download as long as you help spread the message to all your friends on Facebook.

Download it here: English page/ Swedish page

Tonight, Wednesday December 1st you are also welcom to my Christmas Concert at Clarion Sign Hotel in Stockholm, Sweden. More info here!

Stockholm Sci Fi convention

Storm trooper

So you already know I’m somewhat of a sci-fi nerd, and even more of a zombie nerd. I’ve also been hooked on vampires since reading the Ann Rice books in my teens, or maybe even before that. When I was a little girl and was so afraid of them I put garlic in my bedroom window to keep them out.

Anyways I saw that someone had posted something about a Sci Fi convention in Stockholm this weekend, so I thought I’d check it out. I’ve never been to one and I figured I’d at least get a good laugh out of the trekkie-nerds (sorry guys, your moms did a great job on the costumes.. eh I mean uniforms).

Storm trooper
Storm trooper

So I went to their website and saw that they had actors from different sci-fi movies there (but since when is Faulty Towers and Allo’ Allo’ sci-fi??) and who doesn’t want to see Edward Furlong 20 years older? (Actually they did have Joe Flanigan from my favorite Stargate show, Stargate Atlantis, so that was kind of fun.)

At the convention I was surprised over how small it was, and that it all seemed to be about comic books, ugly t-shirts and action dolls. And I wondered if all the storm troopers where hired to walk around there or if they were visitors. And if they were hired, did they travel with the convention or did they hire new ones in each city the came to?

avatar at sci fi convention
avatar at sci fi convention

At one end of the convention you could be photographed with your fave sci-fi actors or you could buy their autographed pics for 200 SEK ($30). I was thinking of how I usually sell my albums for $10 at my gigs and wondered how it would go down to sell autographed pics for 3 times the price. It must be so weird for the poor fellas who once starred in this or that sci-fi movie to get these kinds of gigs, going to a cold and snowy Sweden to sit in a convention hall and sell their signed pictures.

But apart from people putting on blue make-up to look like avatars and nerdy guys with too tight Trekkie suits I actually met a friend of my hubby’s. He was part of the team that made a movie called “Psalm 21” (which I haven’t seen yet but look forward to seeing) and now they’re making a zombie movie called “Zone 261” that looks totally awesome!

I think Swedish movies usually are crap but I have high hopes for this one! So keep your eyes open!

Christmas concert December 1st

Sofia Talvik Christmas Concert
Sofia Talvik Christmas Concert
Welcome to Sofia Talvik's Julmys

I would like to welcome you to my annual Christmas concert “Sofia Talvik’s Julmys” at Clarion Sign in Stockholm, Sweden, December 1st!

We’re going to treat you to a super cosy evening, starting with Christmas songs from the Swedish Lucia candidates to set the mood and then some lovely Christmassy songs from me and my band. I’m also very happy to announce that renowned jazz singer Anna Christoffersson will be joining me for a couple of songs. The evening starts at 6pm (kl 18) and me and my band will be on stage at 8pm (kl 20).

There is no cover charge so bring all your friends!

The evening will also be a little release party for my new Christmas single “Santa” which will be released the same day. This year I’m releasing it in collaboration with The Body Shop’s and ECPAT’s campaign “Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People“.

You will all be able to support the campaign by downloading it for free here on