New album released today. Get Florida here!

Florida Album Cover

I’m excited to announce that my new album “Florida” was released worldwide today.

Florida Album Cover
Get your copy of the album today!

I’ve worked hard with the album for such a long time and it feels good to finally see it come online on all major music stores. Do you want to listen to it today?
You can stream and listen to the album from my official homepage.

I also have personally signed copies of the album and other great stuff like t-shirts, bags, lyrics and much more in the Sofia Talvik Music Shop.

You can download the album from my own private shop or these providers:


or buy a CD from these providers:

Sofia Talvik Music Shop

Worldwide Pre Order + Bonus

Pre order "Florida" from

As you know I got three different Limited Edition Boxes on my private shop that include some really nice stuff. But since all of you don’t want the exclusive stuff I got another way for you to pre order the new album.

Worldwide pre order of the new album!

You can now pre order unsigned CD’s directly from one of Sweden’s largest online retail stores

Pre order "Florida" from
Pre order "Florida" from

They ship worldwide and you will get the album on the release day 12:th of May. I will also reward those that pre order from by giving you a download code to the acoustic version of the album.

Just contact me with the order confirmation at info(at) and I will send you the code to the download on the release day.

LA and the giant sandwich

I played at the dinner that A&R Worldwide and the Swedish Consulate held yesterday. (A big thank you to the organizers for having me, it was a great honour!) It was nothing like I had expected. I thought it was going to be more of a networking thing, where people would mingle and talk while I stood in a corner singing. Instead there were a hundred seated people, totally quiet, just looking at me. I got so nervous I thought my knees would shake me off the planet! But I got through it and then Kristin, Peter and Warren took me to the Troubador.
I’m going home today so I’m having my last american sandwich…

…which is basically a sandwich monster. I bought one yeaterday, so this is actually the left over half of that one. I can’t imagine why they want to overstuff their sandwiches like this.

I’m actually so glad I’m going home today. First of all since I get to go home to Jonas, second because my ears hurt from all the english. It gets kind of intense after a while, and I think the phrases I’ve used most during these two weeks have been:
“That’s cool”
“That’s awsome”
“That’s a good thing”

and of course “Thank you so much” which I am also saying now to you guys for following my tour blog. I hope you got to see one of my showcases in Austin, where I had my lovely band with me (I missed you guys so much yesterday). Good by America!

Sofia partners with Worldsound


Sofia did a splendid job at SXSW, knocked out the audience at no less than 6 showcases and started a collaboration with American label Worldsound.

– It’s a collaboration that suits the way I work, says Sofia, we have a partner deal so I won’t be kicking off my shoes and wait for anyone else to take charge. My goal has always been to carry a strong business and be able to make my own choices. With Worldsound I have finally found a US label that is on the same page as me.

Worldsound describes Sofia as “The best Swedish discovery since Ikea”.

Worldsound will represent Sofia and Makaki Music worldwide, outside of Sweden, starting in March 2009.

Pre-order available now!

Time is flying by and soon the new album will hit the stores with a BANG! If you want to be the first to get a copy, not have to stand in line and camp outside the record store to get it, 😉 you can order one here and it will arrive in your mailbox the day of the release. Bengans records ships (nearly) worldwide and the price is far cheaper than you will find anywhere else so if you didn’t get a pop-up when you cruised in here, just click the right upper corner on this page to order.