Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
On Thursday we’re releasing not one but two EPs! ‘V – Part Three of L.O.V.E’ is the most electronica I’ve ever been thanks to producer Janne Manninen, and ‘A – Part Two of L.O.V.E’ is the most hard rock my songs have ever been thanks to Swedish metal band G.A.I.N. (you can buy them both here! )
Speaking of EPs I just got a nice review from Swedish rock music site Hallowed on my second EP ‘O’. Daniel Källman who wrote it seems to be into singer/songwriters so I hope he won’t get a total chock when he hears ‘V’ Here’s what he thought about ‘O’
“This EP is just absolutely fantastic in its best moments. Sure if you are a narrow minded typical metalhead you will probably not like this album but then again you will probably have stopped reading after singer-songwriter anyway. For all of us who like music however, this EP is a real treat.”
Well who knew that me and Beyoncé had so much in common (I mean besides us both being hot chick singers, right ;)). Seems like we also have the same taste in pets. The blog Album art exchange made me aware of this so I guess the next step is for me and B to take a trip to Gator Land together.
““Santa” has that 80’s music vibe that will make listeners bob their heads unknowingly. Imagine Santa Claus bouncing around with a Mohawk, jean jacket and tight leather pants. It is a cheerful, bubbly and hope-filled piece that will bring positive energy to Talvik’s cause this year.” Read the full review here.
“This year’s single, “Santa (can you bring me someone else this year)”, was just released today, and it’s every bit as good as I expected it to be (which is a relief, because I often worry when my expectations get too high for something). Musically, “Santa” is a fun, synthesizer-based pop song that would not sound out of place on a mid-80s Madonna album. If you’re a fan of songs like “Last Christmas”, this song is a must hear.” Read full review here
Stubby’s House of Christmas wrote in their review:>
“I love this woman. And every year Sofia Talvik releases a free Christmas song, so what’s not to love? This year’s effort is a fairly uptempo danceable indie track, even if the lyrics are the “I’ve been alone since we split up” type. It might be her catchiest yet.” Read the whole review here
Fab Womens Radio has already put “Santa” in rotation and writes on their website: “Highlights? Just about every single track, but why not start with this week’s FEATURED FEMMEP3, a glorious new track from our favorite Swedish singer-songwriter, Sofia Talvik, titled, “Santa”.”
Hoppas du gillade första avsnittet i min julkalender. I andra luckan är det dags för mig att presentera min första gästartist som kommer att sjunga med mig på min julkonsert på Mosebacke på lördag. Om du inte har skaffat biljett än så kan du göra det på www.mosebacke.se
På ett drygt decenniums avstånd från solokarriärens födelse känns ändå inte Mejas historia som något som var ’förr’. Meja är alltjämt ’nu’. Megahittarna ringer fortfarande i våra huvuden, ”All about the dum-dum-du-du-du-dum” letar sig fortfarande fram till våra gnolande läppar, och berättelserna om japanernas Meja-tokiga masseufori är att betrakta som allmänbildning. Och det är skönt med fixstjärnor. Artister som vi tycker är ’våra’, som vi kan känna oss stolta över. Fast att bara vila på gamla lagrar vore orättvist inte bara mot Mejas variationsrikedom och kreativitet; om vi inte blickar framåt missar vi en mångfasetterad artist med fingrarna i fler syltburkar än de flesta.
So. This is the last video to be posted, and you have now heard all 12 songs from my new album “Jonestown”.
Last but not least I’m happy to present Maia Hirasawa. Maia received a P3 Guld award for newcomer of the year when she released her album, and I had to go all the way to Gothenburg to record this song with her. I caught her in the middle of her changing apartments but she was as happy and carefree as her own music is, and she also brought that to the last song of this series of videos, “Something Good”.
About Maia: Maia Hirasawa has sung in a million different bands we most recently recognize her as the backing vocalist and multi instrumentalist in Hello Saferide, but she also played support to HS the entire of last year and sold every copy of her demo that she had the energy to burn on her Macbook. She won the Roland/Sami price for the best un-signed act of 2006. She’s in fact a skilled jazz singer, has a background as a Brit-popper and listens to Loney Dear and Rufus Wainright, but not to Regina Spektor, simply cause everyone says that they bear resemblance. She is half Japanese. “Though I’m Just Me”, is the name of Maia Hirasawa’s solo debut album.
Stay tuned for the competition, which will begin soon, where you can win signed albums!