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När jag planerade att turnera i en husbil hade jag en massa tankar om att vi skulle driva all el via solpaneler och annat innan jag insåg hur enormt dyrt det är att göra det. Men om man bortser från att husbilen drar en massa bensin handlar det ändå om att leva sparsamt, både med vatten, el och pengar. Ekostil – Sveriges största Eko-blogg haffade mig för att göra en liten intervju om turnén. Läs den här:

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SXSW spotlight!

Sofia Talvik live in San Antonio
Sofia Talvik live in San Antonio
Sofia Talvik live in San Antonio

I just arrived in sunny Austin. After heavy rain in Dallas and San Antonio I was wondering if SXSW would rain away this year, but as soon as we drove into Austin, the sky was blue, the sun blaring and people were half naked on the streets. Just like it should be.

Nordic Spotlight had the good taste to check in with me to see what my SXSW schedule looks like, and here’s their interview with me!

Hypetrak also recommended my second play showcases at SXSW. Most of them you don’t need a wristband for so check out their guide here!

Interview in the Texarkana Gazette

Sofia Talvik in the Texarkana Gazette

I’m playing at Hopkin’s Icehouse in Texarkana, AR on Thursday, March 8th and the Texarkana Gazette just published an interview with me. Check it out below.

Sofia Talvik in the Texarkana Gazette
Sofia Talvik in the Texarkana Gazette

Interview me and win wristbands to SXSW

Sofia Talvik live on the Drivin' & Dreaming Tour
Sofia Talvik live on the Drivin' & Dreaming Tour
Sofia Talvik live on the Drivin' & Dreaming Tour

Hey guys!

I have two exciting things to announce! I’m playing at the SXSW festival in Austin, TX in March and here’s two ways you’ll be able to join me there! Firstly I’m going to be a part of “Discover Me @ Austin” which is a video interview made by Twenty.Me.

The Twenty.Me app is free from the iTunes store but is currently in BETA. Fans will be able to learn more about bands playing at SXSW by typing in the band name, in my case; SofiaTalvik@. There you can listen to my music and learn about the me, as well as get my SXSW schedule. The interview will be made on February 21st at 1pm CST on the Spreecast site.

Spreecast is a social video platform that lets people broadcast together and create shared experiences. In a Spreecast social video stream, up to four people at a time can interact face-to-face on screen, while hundreds of others can watch, chat, and participate by submitting comments and questions. The creator of a spreecast uses producer controls to determine who comes on camera and when. That means that if you want to come online and ask me questions for the interview you can create your own account and do that at Spreecast. You can join with your own spreecast or simply submit questions. The great thing is that it’s early enough for the US so that all you Europeans can join too. The local time in Sweden will be 8 in the evening.

So the second way you can join me at SXSW is actually by getting a free wristband. And here’s how you do that:

Sonicbids has an official party at SXSW and by voting for me once a day and helping me get to the top list I’ll get to play at the party. If you go vote for me now you have to chance to win TWO wristbands for the party!!!!

You know you want to – Do it now and do it here: