Still stuck in Austin waiting for our tour bus to get fixed so unfortunately the concert in Katy, TX tonight is canceled. The one in Spring, TX tomorrow should be on though. Hope to see you all there!

Sofia Talvik – Americana / Folk with Swedish Roots
Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
I was hoping to do a fun post about SXSW today, but instead I’ll have to write to tell you that tonight’s gig at Super Happy Fun Land in Houston is cancelled because our tour bus broke down in Austin today. It’s in the shop now so the rest of the gigs in Houston should be on as scheduled. Guess you’ll have to tip me double or buy more CDs next time so I can afford some food after the mechanic took all my money
[quote] We had a full house of north Alabama bluegrass and folk music lovers and before it was over Sofia had them eating out of her hand. A standing ovation and encore followed. It was a great night and she is a great talent. [/quote]
Bob Keefe Music Director, Berkely Bob’s Coffee House, Cullman, AL
I’m playing live at Berkely Bobs Coffee House in Cullman, AL tonight – February 17th. Here’s a little interview in the Cullman Times!
Want to treat you honey to an early Valentines date? Come out to the Bama Theatre tonight at 7.30 to hear me play. Here’s an interview in The Crimson White paper about the gig: