X-mas concert in Second Life

Even though I actually played World of Warcraft for a while, and have a lvl 60 gnome called Znorfia, I kind of feel like Penny in the Big Bang Theory when it comes to Second Life. But that makes it even funnier that I’m doing a live Christmas concert in Second Life.

I will be playing at “OneLove”, a wintry stage built especially for this event by Aallotar Takaaki. The Concert will take place this Thursday at 10pm Swedish time. The stage is at Iendi Laville (pronounce “jändi”) and Apollon Allen’s new sim Yadkin Valley, and is hosted by OneLove Events. OneLove Events is a new place in Second Life and is meant to be something for everyone.

One Love stage in Second Life, built for Sofia Talvik's X-mas concert
One Love stage in Second Life

I’m always intrigued by trying out new ways to spread my music so it’s exciting to do a show in Second Life.

I’m playing the same songs as I played at my Stockholm Christmas concert last week, so this is a way for all of you who missed that concert to see me (kind of) live no matter where you live. All proceeds from the concert will go directly to ECPAT for their campaign “Stop Sex Trafficking of Children and Young People”.

You will find the event through this link:

You can also read an interview with me about the concert here.

Merry Christmas and I’ll see you all in Second Life on Thursday!

Sofia Talvik as avatar in Second Life
My avatar in Second Life
Sofia Talvik stage in Second Life
Oh look! The party has already started!

New book about Swedish artists

Vägen till Sångerna av Stefan Warnqvist
Vägen till Sångerna av Stefan Warnqvist
Vägen till Sångerna av Stefan Warnqvist

September 15th a new book about Swedish artists and bands is being released. The book contains interviews with artists from different genres and backgrounds and a complete discography is included for each artist. I’m interviewed in the book and you can buy it on the Adlibris website, Bokus and other online stores.

The book is in Swedish and here’s a brief description of it:

Vägen till sångerna. Samtal om kreativitet och låtskrivande

Hur går det till när en låt skapas? Hur influeras låtskrivare av annan musik och andra konstformer? Hur påverkar tiden och platsen den kreativa processen? Vad tycker låtskrivare om nedladdning och turnéliv? Hur påverkas de av den sjunkande skivförsäljningen?
I Vägen till sångerna samtalar musiker från olika bakgrunder och genrer kring dessa och andra frågor med musikskribenten Stefan Warnqvist. I centrum står nyare låtskrivare varav de flesta har skivdebuterat under de senaste åren. Några har skördat framgång världen över, andra har hittat hängivna lyssnare inom en viss subkultur. Alla har de en intressant historia att berätta om låtskrivandet och sitt förhållande till musiken.
De intervjuade är Asha Ali, Anna Frank, Lisa Lindal, Miss Li, Timo Räisänen, Elin Ruth Sigvardsson, Syster Sol, Edith Söderström, Sofia Talvik samt låtskrivare från grupperna Anagram (Anna Einarsson), Backyard Babies och Nicke Borg Homeland (Nicke Borg), Billie the Vision & the Dancers (Lars Lindquist), Dear Euphoria (Elina Johansson), Dungen (Gustav Ejstes), Fröken Underbar (Sandra Vilppala), Hästpojken (Martin Elisson och Adam Bolméus), Montag Mania och De Lescano (Isabel De Lescano och Fredrik Blank), Taken By Trees (Victoria Bergsman), The Tiny (Ellekari Larsson Sander och Leo Svensson Sander), Urban Tribe Stockholm (Adam Atterby) och Za Frûmi (Simon Kölle).

Boken innehåller utförliga intervjuer med en unik sammansättning av svenska låtskrivare inom olika musikstilar, ett rikligt och många gånger exklusivt bildmaterial samt albumdiskografier för varje artist.

Womens radio interview

Womens radio did an interview with me a couple of days ago.

WomensRadio Music Review offers an intimate and in-depth perspective on the music and mission of the world’s finest Independent Female Musicians.

Join Brian Ball, Host of WomensRadio Music Review, in welcoming Sweden’s next rising star, Sofia Talvik, as she shares a wealth of information about her soon-to-be-released 4th album, Florida, her upcoming appearances at SXSW 2010 and of course…her favorite shoes to bring on tour!

Also discover Sofia’s production and songwriting influences, tour anecdotes, recommended listening, future goals/aspirations and preview samples of her upcoming release…all in just under 12 minutes, right here on WomensRadio!

“Standing up and playing guitar in high heels is kind of difficult… -Sofia Talvik

You can listen to it here and have a sneek preview of the title track from my new album “Florida”.
Womens Radio