Singing for a free Burma

I recently joined up with the site where you easily can donate money through a text message (sms) to help the struggle for freedom in Burma.

The result is a video of me performing one of the songs from my upcoming album live in a studio while being filmed. The song is called Arms and Armour (lyrics available on ) and you can now watch the live video on or directly here below:

Arms and Armour Live (Jonestown 2008) – Sofia Talvik

Stockholms kulturfestival

If you’re in Stockholm, don’t miss out on this great festival that is mostly for free. I’m playing at K12, the stage outside Café Opera today at 14.00 for free. Never mind I’ve had an irritationg cough for the past three weeks (yes I will go to the doctor next week) and that my bass player has tonsillitis, we’ll be up there performing for you still! I’ve just had three doses of cough medicin and some vitamin C so if I seem a bit drugged…well then that’s because I am 😉 hehe! See you later today

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