TOANWTS reviewed by Musical Discoveries and was appointed 5 stars! Thanks

Sofia Talvik – Americana / Folk with Swedish Roots
Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
TOANWTS reviewed by Musical Discoveries and was appointed 5 stars! Thanks
Here’s a little map that shows our current gig schedule in the US for the Drivin’ & Dreaming tour. We’re booking as we go along and our plan is to hit most states in the US. Hawaii and Alaska my be a challenge for the RV though. See my full gig schedule here! I will keep adding to it every week! (And if you feel like booking me to your venue, please click here!)
Speaking of the RV we just had some major rain falls in Atlanta, GA and discovered that the overhang still wasn’t properly sealed. So now we’ll have to tape it together some more. I bought a dryer duct at Walmart that we taped to the heater in the driver’s compartment and put up there to dry it out while we were driving to Auburn today like the white trash McGyvers we are. Hopefully it won’t rain more but you never know.
At least Auburn, AL is warmer than NC. We even had the windows open today wohoo!
I’m psyched to be going to New Orleans for a couple of gigs. I’ve been watching the Treme TV show, and it seems like a cool town, that is unless you get robbed, shot and raped. Let’s hope none of those things happen to us. So far everyone have been really nice and taken care of us. Would be totally awesome to find a private spot to park in NOLA.
Well, that’s all for now! I’ll see you on the road!
I’m proud to say that me and Sophie Rimheden is somewhat of a power duo. We wrote our first Christmas song together, a disco dance hit called “Xmas on the Dancefloor” and Sophie has made several remixes of my songs. She’s known as Sweden’s electronica Princess and she’s just released a new Christmas single that she’s sharing with you in today’s episode of Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar! You can download Sophie Rimheden’s Christmas single, called “Xmas time” and is part of the compilation “Jul på Techno” here.
If you’re in Stockholm you can also swing by the release party for “Jul på Techno” today at Debaser Medis, Coctailbaren 7-9 pm.
The greatest thing about doing these videos is that so many fab artists from so man different genres has participated, doing their own thing with my songs, adding their own touch!
Emma Nylén, singer in the band Paris and her own electro/disco project Emmon joined me on my first “Jonestown” single “As summers pass”. Emma reminds me of Modesty Blaise with her jet black hair and beautiful big eyes. If Modesty could sing, I’m sure she’d be thrilled if she sounded like Emma.
Sofia Talvik / Emmon – As summers pass
Guest artist: Emmon
Song: As summers pass (Jonestown 2008)
The 15th of September, I’m releasing my third album “Jonestown” in the U.S and later in Japan. To give you a preview of the songs from the album I have gathered 12 of my favorite Swedish artists who will each do one song from the album live with me on tape.
You will get the opportunity to meet well known artists as well as up and coming new stars, and when the videos are all released we’ll turn it into a competition where you can win signed albums of “Jonestown”.
About Emmon:
Emmon is the solo project of Emma Nylén. She is also one of the member of the Swedish pop-band Paris. The Emmon-project was started in 2001 as an experimental music vs. art project under her art studies at Konstfack University Collage of fine Art in Stockholm. Emmon’s computer based music lies on the border between pop, synth, electro and disco music. Its based on her vocal resources with a lot of attitude and melodic pop songs. She also working as a DJ and doing remixes for other bands and artists. For example: The Knife, Melody Club, Homy, Soviac, Postplay