Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
Are you still pondering over what to give your friends for Christmas? Well why not give them a package of my three latest albums! For two days only you will be able to get a special Christmas discount when you buy my three latest CDs and get all three of them for only $15! That’s only $5 per CD, or three CDs for the price of one!
I’m nearly falling off my chair here it’s so cheap! And to make it extra special I will sign them for you too. What are you waiting for, the offer only lasts two days!
I’ve hit California and I’ve already done a few shows around the northern part, but I have many left. I hope to see you in San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, Los Angeles and San Diego in the near future. Here’s some of my upcoming dates, to see all my upcoming gigs go to https://sofiatalvik.com/gigs. Note that the selection below is only a handfull of the upcoming gigs around CA.
The San Francisco Chronicle has also chosen my gig in Oakland tonight at Disco Volante and my gig at Amnesia Bar in SF on the 30th as their top picks for this week! The show at Amnesia will also be the 200th gig on the tour so please bring all your friends and come celebrate with me!
[quote] An understated, folky Swedish singer-songwriter who alternates between beatific odes and disturbingly dark musings, Sofia Talvik possesses a voice that’s translucent, soft and deceptively cool. [/quote]
SF Gate
Tips! If you get tickets early you can take part of some great discounts and special offers!
Oakland Thursday, 10/25, Disco Volante, Time: 8:00 pm. $5
San Francisco Tuesday, 10/30, Amnesia Bar, Time: 9:30 pm. GET TICKETS
San Luis Obispo Saturday, 11/03, Kreuzberg Cafe, Time: 8:00 pm.
Los Angeles Thursday, 11/08, The Coffee Gallery Backstage, Time: 8:00 pm. $15 Thursday, 11/15, Hotel Café, Time: 7:00 pm. GET TICKETS
San Diego Wednesday, 11/21, Lestat’s Coffee House, Time: 9:30 pm. GET TICKETS
I’m celebrating the long summer here in the US with a limited time Summer Sale. I’m offering ALL my music for a 25% discount until the end of this week.
To get signed albums or downloads all you have to do is to use the code “summer” when you check out!
At first it seemed like a real challenge to book gigs in Alabama and Mississippi, and some people actually told us we would probably be better off skipping them altogether. Well, let me tell you I’m pretty happy we ignored that advice. If I haven’t played the best venues there is in Alabama, I think my head is going to explode because the places I’ve played here have been some of the best gigs on my tour so far. In beautiful Birmingham I was invited to play Moonlight on the Mountain and got to discover a great singer/songwriter called Nathan Reich who also happens to play guitar in the new hip band Flights. In Auburn I played the low key intimate The Gnu’s Room and in Tuscaloosa I played at The Bama Theatre with local Sparrow and the Ghost and also did a show at the Alabama Art Kitchen. In Cullman I had standing ovations at the 60’s style coffee house Berkely Bob’s Coffee House. Alabama has been so great, it’s actually the only state where I’ve had ONLY good shows.
So here’s a few pics and videos. See you in Arkansas and Texas!
Performing Delusional at Bama Theatre
Sofia Talvik live at Moonlight on the mountainKeith, Sofia and Nathan at Moonlight on the mountainSofia Talvik live at Berkely Bob's Coffee House
I have two exciting things to announce! I’m playing at the SXSW festival in Austin, TX in March and here’s two ways you’ll be able to join me there! Firstly I’m going to be a part of “Discover Me @ Austin” which is a video interview made by Twenty.Me.
The Twenty.Me app is free from the iTunes store but is currently in BETA. Fans will be able to learn more about bands playing at SXSW by typing in the band name, in my case; SofiaTalvik@. There you can listen to my music and learn about the me, as well as get my SXSW schedule. The interview will be made on February 21st at 1pm CST on the Spreecast site.
Spreecast is a social video platform that lets people broadcast together and create shared experiences. In a Spreecast social video stream, up to four people at a time can interact face-to-face on screen, while hundreds of others can watch, chat, and participate by submitting comments and questions. The creator of a spreecast uses producer controls to determine who comes on camera and when. That means that if you want to come online and ask me questions for the interview you can create your own account and do that at Spreecast. You can join with your own spreecast or simply submit questions. The great thing is that it’s early enough for the US so that all you Europeans can join too. The local time in Sweden will be 8 in the evening.
So the second way you can join me at SXSW is actually by getting a free wristband. And here’s how you do that:
Sonicbids has an official party at SXSW and by voting for me once a day and helping me get to the top list I’ll get to play at the party. If you go vote for me now you have to chance to win TWO wristbands for the party!!!!