Mixed N.Y pics

I’m trying to catch up on some blogging on my little CMJ/Release tour here in the US. Let’s start with some pics!

Adam Heldring & Sofia Talvik
Adam Heldring and me at the Swedish Consulate Party at CMJ. We just got appointed Prom King and Queen of the Swedish DIY artists! And we are I guess. Adam’s great!
Times Square
Jonas, me and Marcus at Times Square after our CMJ gigs!

On our way back to the hotel
Marcus (after a lot of sake), me and Jonas on our way back to the hotel in NYC. Unfortunately my US label couldn’t afford a real cab… 😉

Danbury rain
Playing in Danbury. Not the best conditions to get people out of their houses as you can see. The place was basically flooded, but we kicked ass as usual and my Danbury Fan Chris attended the show!

Me in front of the Apollo theatre in Harlem, NY.

Be friends with my site

I just added Google friend connect to my site. If you have a google, aim, yahoo! or OpenID account you can become friends with my website and leave me comments and check out my other friends. You can also contribute to the playlist on blog. Look at the bottom of this site to become my google friend.

google friend

Totally free music spotlight!

The blog “Totally free music” writes a little something about my summer single. Click the text to read the full version:

“Song spotlight: Sofia Talvik Strawberries on my tongue
In one of the best uses of Twitter I have yet seen, Swedish singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist Sofia Talvik has made her new summer single, “Strawberries On My Tongue”, available for the “price” of one tweet. (…) Though it’s not yet summer anywhere on this planet, listening to “Strawberries On My Tongue” might make you feel like it is (even if you have a frost warning in your overnight forecast, as I do!). Happy listening!”

LA and the giant sandwich

I played at the dinner that A&R Worldwide and the Swedish Consulate held yesterday. (A big thank you to the organizers for having me, it was a great honour!) It was nothing like I had expected. I thought it was going to be more of a networking thing, where people would mingle and talk while I stood in a corner singing. Instead there were a hundred seated people, totally quiet, just looking at me. I got so nervous I thought my knees would shake me off the planet! But I got through it and then Kristin, Peter and Warren took me to the Troubador.
I’m going home today so I’m having my last american sandwich…

…which is basically a sandwich monster. I bought one yeaterday, so this is actually the left over half of that one. I can’t imagine why they want to overstuff their sandwiches like this.

I’m actually so glad I’m going home today. First of all since I get to go home to Jonas, second because my ears hurt from all the english. It gets kind of intense after a while, and I think the phrases I’ve used most during these two weeks have been:
“That’s cool”
“That’s awsome”
“That’s a good thing”

and of course “Thank you so much” which I am also saying now to you guys for following my tour blog. I hope you got to see one of my showcases in Austin, where I had my lovely band with me (I missed you guys so much yesterday). Good by America!