P4 Live. The Homecoming.

Swedish radio P4 did a recording of one of my gigs this summer.
Orust gig

Listen to all the songs here:
1. Intro – Interview
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – Intro.mp3]
2. Mother’s Way, Father’s Way
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – Mothers Way Fathers Way.mp3]
3. It’s Just Love
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – Its just love.mp3]
4. Ghosts
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – Ghosts.mp3]
5. It’s Silly Now
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – Its Silly Now.mp3]
6. Wish
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – Wish.mp3]
7. December
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – December.mp3]
8. She’s Leaving
[audio:http://www.sofiatalvik.com/audio/P4 Live/Live – Shes leaving.mp3]

Singing for a free Burma

I recently joined up with the site friaburma.nu where you easily can donate money through a text message (sms) to help the struggle for freedom in Burma.

The result is a video of me performing one of the songs from my upcoming album live in a studio while being filmed. The song is called Arms and Armour (lyrics available on www.myspace.com/sofiatalvik ) and you can now watch the live video on friaburma.nu or directly here below:

Arms and Armour Live (Jonestown 2008) – Sofia Talvik

Supporting the people of Burma.

Swedish newspaper Metro is writing about me again.

I’m dedicating one of my new songs from the upcoming album “Jonestown” to the people in Burma and their fight for democracy.
You can hear the song and see a video of me performing it on friaburma.nu.

Make a contribution today by sending an textmessage and donate some money.
Read about it on the site: friaburma.nu.

Designing for breast cancer cure!

Last year I donated a song to HelpCureBreastcancer to help raise money for breast cancer research!
This year me and a couple of other artists each designed a t-shirt for Rosa Bandet and Modette.se to help raise money for the cause. The t-shirts will be auctioned out on tradera.se from tuesday onward, but you can get a peak of what my t-shirt looks like here. All the money from the auction will go to the research to find a cure to breast cancer.
Design by Sofia TalvikDesign by Sofia Talvik
Front and backside detail.