RUST Magazine about Big Sky Country

This is the ethereal human element of music, that emotional connection that makes music significant as an art, and Sofia Talvik has here mastered this elusive ability.

– Eric Petersen, RUST Magazine


RUST Magazine just posted this review of my new album “Big Sky Country” and did a little Q&A with me about the process of recording, and my U.S tour. So humbled and honoured to be compared with some great artists, in such beautiful words.


Another amazing musician Sofia reminds us of is travelling world-citizen Michael Dustin Youree who left New York City a couple years ago with barely more than a guitar and has been on a journey of learning, loving and making beautiful music ever since. For both Sofia and Michael, the music in their albums is the artistic distillate of travel and change in both a physical and emotional way. They are the true vanguard poets of our time.


Read the whole article here:
