Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar 2012 #4

Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar, window 4

On my US tour I’ve had the privilige to play with some really talanted people. One of them is Michelle Lewis, a singer/songwriter based in Boston, MA and today’s window is a special greeting from Michelle to all of you. This is a video of Michelle singing “In The Bleak Midwinter”. Michelle’s albums, the perfect gift to anyone who already has everything, are available at If you want to enjoy Michelle’s beautiful music in your home, she’s also taking requests for house concerts for 2013. You can contact her through her website

Michelle Lewis
Michelle Lewis

Did you miss a day in the calendar? See all the windows in the Xmas Calendar here:

Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar 2012 #3

Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar, window 3

My favorite food on the Christmas dinner table is the Swedish Christmas ham, but I know that a lot of people out there prefer to not eat meat for Christmas. One talanted artist that was a guest on my Xmas Calendar in 2009 showed me some great ways to celebrate Christmas without meat, and I decided to share that episode with you guys as a re-run.

Stiko Per Larsson is a great Swedish artist who is not only a vegetarian, but also have a habit of doing long walking tours. He’s walked all over Scandinavia playing his music. Check out his music and upcoming gigs here!

 Here’s me and Stiko Per Larsson cooking a vegetarian Christmas dinner!

Stiko Per Larsson. Photo: Niclas Brunzell
Stiko Per Larsson. Photo: Niclas Brunzell

Did you miss a day in the calendar? See all the windows in the Xmas Calendar here:

Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar 2012 #2

Sofia Talvik's Xmas Calendar, window 2
Sofia Talvik's Xmas Calendar, window 2
Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar, window 2

 Win a secret exclusive Christmas present!

Sofia Talvik Christmas Poem Competition
Sofia Talvik Christmas Poem Competition

Contest Instructions:

Every year on Christmas I write small Christmas Poems on the presents to my family. The poems are small cute clues to what the present might be and we read them out loud so everyone can try to guess whats inside.

I want you to join me and write some clever and cute poems this year. Enter my Christmas Poem Competition and write a poem for a present to a family member or friend and I will choose a winner. Encourage your family members to do it as well, maybe it will become a tradition in your family as well!


You might also use it for shopping inspiration, maybe you will find a few things that are just begging for a poem. You don’t have to be Dickens and nothing really has to rhyme. Just give it your best shot and have a good time! Hey, what do you know, there’s a poem right there!

Merry Christmas!
/Sofia Talvik

Did you miss a day in the calendar? See all the windows in the Xmas Calendar here:

Grand Prize
The grand prize is a secret exclusive Christmas present from Swedish artist Sofia Talvik.

2nd Prize
The second prize is a personalized Christmas card from Swedish artist Sofia Talvik.

Contest Starts
December 02, 2012 @ 02:00 am (PST)

Contest Ends
December 09, 2012 @ 02:00 am (PST)

Drivin’ & Dreaming through the South

Here’s a little map that shows our current gig schedule in the US for the Drivin’ & Dreaming tour. We’re booking as we go along and our plan is to hit most states in the US. Hawaii and Alaska my be a challenge for the RV though. See my full gig schedule here! I will keep adding to it every week! (And if you feel like booking me to your venue, please click here!)

Speaking of the RV we just had some major rain falls in Atlanta, GA and discovered that the overhang still wasn’t properly sealed. So now we’ll have to tape it together some more. I bought a dryer duct at Walmart that we taped to the heater in the driver’s compartment and put up there to dry it out while we were driving to Auburn today like the white trash McGyvers we are. Hopefully it won’t rain more but you never know.

Home made water leak dryer duct
Home made water leak dryer duct

At least Auburn, AL is warmer than NC. We even had the windows open today wohoo!

I’m psyched to be going to New Orleans for a couple of gigs. I’ve been watching the Treme TV show, and it seems like a cool town, that is unless you get robbed, shot and raped. Let’s hope none of those things happen to us. So far everyone have been really nice and taken care of us. Would be totally awesome to find a private spot to park in NOLA.

Well, that’s all for now! I’ll see you on the road!