Last week to order the BOOK & LIVE ALBUM!

Dear Friends!
I’m nearing the end of my book. In fact, I’ve already written everything that is going to be in there ( … I think … I keep remembering new funny stories all the time). Now I’ll have to do the less fun work of proof reading and editing, but I’m very lucky to have my friend Jenny help me with the proof reading.
I’m also in the process of deciding which songs will be on the live album. It’s going to be amazing. The sound is so great, just like you were there in the room.
  • IMPORTANT: The Book can only be pre-ordered and will NOT be available after July. It’s a limited edition print so it will only be printed in as many copies as ordered. So be sure to order your copy today.
It’s been quite the learning process to write a book, even though there are many pictures I’m now on page 293. I started out just writing the stories and then it was like I found my voice and I had to go back and rewrite most of the stories in the first part of the book.

Sometimes I’ve been banging my head against the wall, especially when I have a great story and no great picture. In those cases I just decided to let the story speak for itself, even though pictures speak a thousand words. I’m so happy that I will get my printer sent down from Sweden this week so that I can print the pages. I feel like you never see the stuff you did wrong until you see it on a printed page, it’s just so easy to miss stuff on a computer screen.

A huge thank you to all of you that have contributed to this project!

Please spread the word and let your friends know that they can get the acoustic download “There’s A Man In A Smiling Bag” for just $5 up till August 1st. Oh by the way, if any of you missed it, the book is a pre-order only. That means that you won’t be able to buy it after the Kickstarter project closes on August 1st, so if you want a copy you should get it now.


Drivin’ & Dreaming Episode #5

I’m working my way through the USA going north on the East Coast. In this episode I’m playing at a rock, paper, scissors tournament, sing Bobby McGee with Dr Lou and check out where Snookie got knocked the fuck out!

Did you miss any of the previous episodes? You can watch them all here!

You can see pictures from all my shows on my Facebook page here!

As usual all music in the episode can be found here! Help me keep the “Drivin’ & Dreaming Tour” on the road. Donate Gas, Food and Beer – Click this link and follow the instructions

Drivin’ & Dreaming Episode 2

Sofia Talvik live at White Horse Black Mountain
At Fresh 96.1 with Jess and Jeff
At Fresh 96.1 with Jess and Jeff

Thanks for watching the first episode of my Drivin’ & Dreaming show. This is the second episode of the show and we’re going through the Smoky Mountains, the RV breaks down, we show up one day early for a …  well watch it and you’ll see. Please keep sharing to keep viewings up. I’ll keep doing the show as long as I have enough viewers 🙂

Big thanks to everyone in this episode White Horse, Black Mountain, The Acoustic Coffee House in Johnson City, TN 202 Market in Roanoke, VA and Beliveau Estate in Blacksburg, VA. You can see pictures from all my shows on my Facebook page here!

As usual all music in the episode can be found here! Help me keep the “Drivin’ & Dreaming Tour” on the road. Donate Gas, Food and Beer – Click this link and follow the instructions


The Drivin' & Dreamin Tour took us to the mountains in Virigina
The Drivin' & Dreamin Tour took us to the mountains in Virigina
Sofia Talvik live at White Horse Black Mountain
Sofia Talvik live at White Horse Black Mountain
White Horse Black Mountain
White Horse Black Mountain