Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
I suck at playing to click track so I need more life like drums, hence the drum tracks. (For you who don´t know what a click track is, it´s a beat that makes an awful plopping noice to keep people play the same beat all through the song, and don´t play slow at first and faster in the end. It makes me stressed out and makes me play off beat though I normally keep a rather steady beat.)
Well anyway, Toontrack has made a fab program (promoting promoting!) called EZ-drummer which makes it EZ for dummys like me to make a nice sounding drum track. You can make fills and all sorts of stuff but I just make a straight beat and leave the rest to Fredrik – the drum master.
This is the only pic I could find of Fredrik, he looks really evil here but he´s really very sweet and he´s married to one of my dearest friends, Anna.
This technical stuff makes me a raging lunatic. This is the third time I´m writing this blog entry as this damn monzilla keeps deleting it when I press post. Well Ill just give it another go.
This is the blog about the recording of my forthcoming album Street of dreams.
Street of dreams is a song about the feeling of insecurity of not being good enough, but this album will not only be good enough, it will be a great album, full of emotion and thought. During the process I´ll post pics and sound samples from the new songs so that you can follow me from the beginning til the end. (and is all of you Swedish guys are wondering why this blog is in english, well, I´m just too lazy to write two separate blogs.)
As a first timer I booked myself into a studio and recorded the album by schedule in a week. It was efficent but stressful. This time I´m doing it in the comfort of my own home. This way I hope to get a different feeling to it, more intimate and soulful.
I´ve prepped my bedroom into a soundroof cave and rigged my little studio equipment by the bed. It´s a Mac Book, an Inspire sound card, a JJ labs microphone and me. I´m one week in recording and I´ve recorded about 6 songs so far. I´ve hired talanted Fredrik Strömberg to program my drums. He´s working with the EZ drummer kit from Toontrack which we both adore! My band is still on summer vacation but when they´re back I´ll put them to work, although I might have to abandon my cave when we record the contra bass (it´s so huge I doubt it will fit in here).