Video in progress!

In a few weeks the first single from my upcoming album “Jonestown” will be released. We’re also releasing a video to the single and the preparations are in full progress. The talented designer/tailor Sanna Nyström will design a beautiful dress for me to wear in the video, and today we met up to discuss her thoughts about the design and take some measurements.

Here’s a sneak preview of the design.

with designer Sanna Nyström

Sketches by Sanna Nyström

Corset by Sanna Nyström

Check out more of Sannas work on

Supporting the people of Burma.

Swedish newspaper Metro is writing about me again.

I’m dedicating one of my new songs from the upcoming album “Jonestown” to the people in Burma and their fight for democracy.
You can hear the song and see a video of me performing it on

Make a contribution today by sending an textmessage and donate some money.
Read about it on the site:

That 70’s feeling.

My producer Tobias Fröberg is bringing a new sound to the next album “Jonestown”. Today he even brought some extra 70’s feeling to the studio, a cozy psychedelic lamp to go with the music. Well I think it did the trick. I’m in the groove so keep an eye and an ear out for more upcoming news about it all.
I’ll try to post a tune for you all later.

Here’s a video of the lamp:
[flv:/video/70talslampa.flv 320 240]

Stockholms kulturfestival

If you’re in Stockholm, don’t miss out on this great festival that is mostly for free. I’m playing at K12, the stage outside Café Opera today at 14.00 for free. Never mind I’ve had an irritationg cough for the past three weeks (yes I will go to the doctor next week) and that my bass player has tonsillitis, we’ll be up there performing for you still! I’ve just had three doses of cough medicin and some vitamin C so if I seem a bit drugged…well then that’s because I am 😉 hehe! See you later today