New pledge for “E”

E - Part Four of L.O.V.E
E - Part Four of L.O.V.E
E - Part Four of L.O.V.E

I can’t believe we’re down to the last EP in the L.O.V.E saga. In just over a month “E – Part Four of L.O.V.E” will be released and today we’re starting up the pledge for the final EP. Last but not least my guitarist Marcus Högquist is making his debut as a producer. Marcus has played in my band since 2004 and know all there is to know about my music. He’s the most talented guitarist I ever met and I’m sure he’ll be just as talented when it comes to producing.

Another great piece of news is that I have written a duet for the EP. It’s called 7 miles wide and Swedish artist Pontus Borg will be singing the song with me on the EP. You might have heard Pontus sing in the Langely commercial which is running on Swedish TV right now. You can have a listen to his awesome song “Free” here!

And if that wasn’t enough you’ll get my demo version of the song for free when you pledge.

We have some great stuff to choose from this time.

  • Hand crafted CDs
  • T-Shirts
  • Posters
  • Signed Lyric Sheets

And if you missed out on any of the previous EPs you can also get a full download of all the previous EP’s in the L.O.V.E saga.

E – Part Four of L.O.V.E” is released November 1st!
Pre-order it here!

Thanks so much for helping me out with this project. I couldn’t have done it without you.



Remix and video of ‘You Plate Your Heart’

Sofia Talvik - You Plate Your Heart - Remix #1

Just when you thought that sunny Florida was all forgotten and the snow had put it’s blanket over my latest album, new wave artist The Courage awakens one of the songs in a whole new way!

Sofia Talvik – You Plate Your Heart Wiht Gold – Remix by The Courage from Sofia Talvik on Vimeo.

Sofia Talvik - You Plate Your Heart - Remix #1
Sofia Talvik - You Plate Your Heart - Remix #1

Jesper Jonsson aka The Courage is a Swedish artist who just released his self titled debut album, has made this great remix of my song “You Plate Your Heart With Gold” and cut a great video to go along with it. Visit The Courage on Facebook here!

The video was filmed by Jonas Westin and the cool animations are created by Johan Röstwall and Staffan Andersson.

Sofia Talvik - You Plate Your Heart - Remix #2
Sofia Talvik - You Plate Your Heart - Remix #2
Sofia Talvik - You Plate Your Heart - Remix #3
Sofia Talvik - You Plate Your Heart - Remix #3


I’m a lineman…

Everytime I need to do something, like recordings for a new album or something. I get this urge to do something else, something that I don’t need to do. That’s how I started doing the Christmas singles and all the other stuff that I do, just me, just by myself. So I guess it was no surprise that instead of going through the recorded files last week, I picked up the guitar and learned the old classic “Wichita Lineman”. Years back I had a brief collaboration with Swedish artist Niclas Frisk (Atomic Swing, A Camp). He was the one who first played me this song and I still love it. So thank you Niclas! And here’s how it turned out sounding in my kitchen…

Don’t bother with the video? Listen to the mp3.

Audio Player

12 new videos. Swedish artist palooza.

Last summer before the release of my latest album “Jonestown” I did a grand campaign with Swedish MySpace. During 12 weeks I performed all of the 12 songs from my album, with 12 different Swedish artists. I released a new video on MySpace each week.

Well it’s Wednesday today and I’ve collected all of my friends videos and are throwing a party with you all on my videopage.

I’ve decided to call it the “Sofiapalooza”. Why? According to the Urban Dictionary the word Palooza means:

The art of throwing a very drunken extravagent party with a plethora of friends. Whoever is throwing the palooza usually adds their name as a prefix to the word. Paloozas are usually held on Wednesday.

Come on in and watch the SOFIAPALOOZA!

Competition closed – here are the winners!

A big thank you to all that has competed for the collection of 13 albums by Swedish artists! It’s been a delight to read your motivations and we have chosen the winners. Congratulations to:

Jerry (US) – you have won the first prize, 13 wonderful albums (I’m really quite jealous myself!)
Niels (Germany) – you have won a signed copy of “Jonestown”
P (Austria) – you have won a signed copy of “Jonestown”
