TOANWTS reviewed by Musical Discoveries and was appointed 5 stars! Thanks

Sofia Talvik – Americana / Folk with Swedish Roots
Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
TOANWTS reviewed by Musical Discoveries and was appointed 5 stars! Thanks
Just had to share some of these great fan reviews I’ve received for the new album. After all the real critics are the listeners:
[quote] Sofia Talvik’s mastery of the acoustic has never been more evident than in her latest album – The Owls Are Not What They Seem. Her fifth album, in which Sofia has ‘gone back to basics’ is a stunning display of her vocal prowess and lyrical talent… unpretentious, yet powerfully moving. I have had TOANWTS for only a few days now, but have listened to it probably a dozen times now… and each time is even better than the last. Thank you, Sofia! [/quote]
Veronica Marie Lewis-Shaw (USA)
[quote] You’ve really outdone yourself on the sound on this album Sofia. I always expect great music from you, but this has gone way past those expectations. [/quote]
Allison Renee (Canada)
On the Lollapalooza tour I blogged on but this time I thought I’d give all my non-swedish friends and fans an opportunity to follow me on tour, so my tour blog this time will be in english here on my own website.
Flight trip
I’ve just arrived in Canada for Canadian Music week and am exploiting the free wifi on the Fairmont to write this. The trip yesterday was about 14 hours long and we were very happy to have some pizza and get some rest on an inflatable bed at my friend Gary Taxali’s house here in Toronto when we arrived. Gary is the most talented artist, he designed the stunning coverart for Aimee Mann’s latest album and when he heard we were coming here he invited us to stay with him. Check out Gary’s work here:
At Gary Taxali’s
Today’s mission is to check out Toronto, pick up some lotion (I realized I was allergic to the one I brought from home) and to check out my favourite store “Forever 21”.
Salvo Magazine appoints December their mp3 of the month in their upcoming issue. Read it first here!
MP3 of the Month
Sofia Talvik – DecemberIt’s not very often I come across Folk music that’s to my taste. Maybe it’s just a genre that doesn’t really do that much for me, I don’t know. Now, before all Folk artists out there get all defensive and start writing in complaining that I’m dissing them as a collective, please, save your venting, you couldn’t be further from the truth.
You see, although I’m not the biggest lover of Folk music in general, when it’s done properly, like pretty much any genre (especially Classical but that’s a totally different story), it can be stunning.
Look at artists like Gemma Hayes, Kathryn Williams, Nick Drake, Tom McRae or Cara Dillon, with the latter especially being truly sublime. Folk absolutely is a genre that’s both under appreciated whilst also being a backbone to music as a whole and one we must all embrace ‘for the greater good’.
That’s what leads me onto Sofia. We decided to choose December as our MP3 of the month above all other tracks off her most recent long playing effort Street of Dreams as it would be too easy to choose the single It’s Just Love based on the facts that 1 – it’s a single already and 2 – it’s a duet with one of my personal heroes, Bernard Butler, now, that would bias the vote ten fold.
No, what sets December apart from the bunch is that it’s just so much more delicate than the others.With a vocal range tinged by echoes of Dolores Mary O'Riordan Burton from the Cranberries blended with a light heartedness that in some ways isn’t too distant from Joni Mitchell in her heyday all those years ago, December has managed to remain on constant replay for a good while now and will continue to do so until another track off the album takes our fancy.
Featuring an accent that does at times sound Irish it’s almost unnoticeable that she is in fact from Sweden. Don’t worry. We’ll keep the Abba references to a minimum.Sofia has obviously been working as a solo artist for long enough now to realise where she wants to get, it’s abundantly clear that she’s working with people who are on her wavelength and are helping her do that
If there was ever a time for artists like Sofia to be in the forefront it’s got to be now, we’ve got others Acoustic Soloists like James Morrison and Blunt pushing acoustic based song writing into the mainstream and whilst we really shouldn’t pin all of our hopes on artists like these, god help us if we did, it is great to see that every now and then artists like Sofia do get the spotlight shone in their direction. 2007 should be the year that spotlight gets turned to face her and we wish her all the best when it does.
I am also green with envy that she’s worked with a hero, but I’ll get over that so don’t worry too much..
Duncan Buchanan