Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
Today’s window is a special Christmas card to you all from my friend Dusty Monroe. It’s a special Christmas song about Rudolf, our favorite theme this winter ;). He’s sending it to you as a free download powered via Soundcloud!
In 2006 my Christmas single tradition started thanks to a collaboration with Swedish electronica artist Sophie Rimheden. Sophie was one of the artists who contributed to my album Street of Dreamix, a remixed version of my second album Street of Dreamsthat was released that same year.
Sophie and I decided to write a Christmas single together, doing something different from what we usually do. So we wrote and recorded “Xmas on the Dance Floor” a pop/disco/electronica song about dancing you ass off at Christmas, under the name “Sofia & Sophie”.
Sophie has since released a bunch of albums, most recently an album “HAJ” and a book called “Elektronika Drottning?” (the album is included in the book). Sophie also has her own Christmas Calendar called Sound Calendar that you can check out here!
Here’s the Christmas single that started it all, I give you: “Xmas on the Dance Floor” by Sofia & Sophie
A couple of years ago I wrote a soundtrack to a Swedish short film called “Vit som snö” or “White as snow” in English. Neither the movie or the song is made for Christmas, but the lead motive could actualy pass for one of my Christmas songs, so I decided to share a download with you, as well as the short film (which unfortunately doesn’t have any English subtitles). Click the player below to listen or download here: http://soundcloud.com/makakimusic/vit-som-sn
Click here to listen to/ download the song
The movie is about 12-year-old David whos grandfather is terminally ill. David decides that he needs to save him and embarks on a quest to find a way to save him from death. On his quest he meets the mysterious Viggo who takes him around to different rooms and people in the hospital to find an answer he probably already knows. Can you talk to death?
The movie is made by Carolina Rung and Anna Eliasson graduates at the Stockholm Film School in 2008.
A few days ago I released my yearly Christmas single. It’s called “One Last Wish For Christmas” and it’s recorded partly in the US and partly in Sweden (thank you internet). The single has been very well received and here’s a selection of quotes from some writers around the globe:
[quote] “One Last Wish For Christmas” has the feel of a simple and intimate Indie Folk song while simultaneously being rich, full, and immediately pop accessible. It’s sort of Hank Williams meets the Pogues “Fairytale Of New York”, but much prettier. (…) It’s just wonderful! [/quote]
[quote]One Last Wish for Christmas” is “a story about love, loss, and afterthought at Christmas.” It is heartbreakingly beautiful, and like many of her songs, it stays with me long after I’ve finished listening to it.”[/quote]
[quote] During the years I’ve fallen in love with her beautiful alternative folk songs. Especially with the sad ballad Snowy White River (2009). This year I’m pleasantly surprised to learn that Sofia has returned to her roots.” [/quote]
[quote] “Talvik’s fairytale-like soundscape features her sweet, airy vocals (think Joni Mitchell and Sandy Denny), gentle finger-picking, intermediate chord changes and catchy pop melodies, all behind enchanting and romantic lyrics.” [/quote]