Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
I’m teaming up with my fellow Swedes Secret Circus for a show in Roswell, NM on January 18th. Being a X Files fan I can’t wait to get there! Vision Magazine in New Mexico did an interview with me in December and you can check it out here! (page 10) Or simly read it below.
In the fall of 2012 (gosh it already sounds long ago doesn’t it?!) I did a Salem Songwriter Session when I visited Oregon on my tour. It’s now airing on CCTV all month, but you can also check it out on youtube!
Salem Songwriter Sessions is a new program on CCTV (Salem, OR.). Songwriters have the opportunity to talk about their music and to play several of their songs in a relaxed atmosphere. Host Tom Phillips interviews songwriters about their interests, influences an inspirations.
You can check out the Salem Songwriter Session Facebook page here!
I just confirmed I last minute show at Flagstaff Brewing Company this Saturday January 5th, 10pm. Since its so cold up in the Arizona mountains I hope that all of Flagstaff will come out and keep me warm! Tell all your Flagstaff friends
I’m doing my first show in Arizona on January 3rd, followed by dates in Flagstaff and Phoenix. If you’re local you might have seen this article in The Daily Miner that was published the other day:
Read the interview in Kingman Daily Miner here
You can also tune in to Tucson’s KAMP student radio 1.00-2.00pm Mountain time on Monday January 7th to hear an interview with me.
2012 has been an amazing year. My tour has taken me to 35 states and I’ve done over 200 shows. I’ve met wonderful people and made new friends all over the US. In January and February I’m wrapping up my Drivin’ & Dreaming Tour here in the US before moving it to Europe. I’m touring my way back to Florida where it all started over a year ago and by that I’m completing the circle around the US. You have all been such a big support this year, helping me through flat tires and new releases. I have a bunch of shows booked in the Southern States in January and February and I hope to see both new as well as familiar faces on the shows. Here’s a list of my upcoming shows, more dates to come, see all details on my GIG page. Happy New 2013!
Thursday, 01/03 Kingman. AZ The Cellar Door Time: 7:00 pm.
Wednesday, 01/09 Flagstaff, AZ Mia’s Lounge Time: 8:00 pm.
Thursday, 01/10 Phoenix, AZ The Lost Leaf Time: 9:00 pm.
Saturday, 01/12 Phoenix, AZ Obscura (Rips) Time: 9:00 pm.
Thursday, 01/17 Las Cruces, NM High Desert Brewing Company Time: 8:00 pm.