Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar 2012 #13

Sofia Talvik's Xmas Calendar, window 13
Sofia Talvik's Xmas Calendar, window 13
Sofia Talvik’s Xmas Calendar, window 13

December 13th is the celebration of Saint Lucia in Sweden. We usually celebrate by having a “Lussetåg” a Lucia parade, but instead me and Sweden’s sweetest jazz singer Anna Christoffersson are going to teach you how to bake Swedish Lucia Saffron Bread. We’re also going to sing you a Christmas song!

Watch the video here!

Still haven’t figured out what to get your lovers for Christmas and missed out on my special Christmas offer a few days ago? Don’t fret! Anna have some excellent albums that will make great Christmas gifts to anyone with good taste in music! Go here to get Anna’s albums:
American iTunes
Swedish iTunes

Sofia and Anna in California!
Sofia and Anna in California!

Did you miss a day in the calendar? See all the windows in the Xmas Calendar here: