No country for old men

We’re on the road. Stuck in a too small pick up truck. The only upside is the Jack Daniels for the guys and the scenery for me. Tonight we’re staying at a really lousy motel. Motel 6 would look like the Hilton compared to this ;-). Well at least I have wifi so I can do my blogs, check my emails and all that. We’ve been joking about staying at a motel like the ones in “No country for old men” and now we are. We walked to a Mexican restaurant across the street and while we were in there the guys spotted a man that looked EXACTLY like the guy in “No country for old men”. I tried to take a picture of him with my iPhone, it’s not great but you’ll see.

I’m really looking forward to coming to Austin so we can decide our own pace and our own stuff and have some fun and play some music.

Check out the guy in the back

The real deal

An here’s some “on the road” pictures

Beautiful scenery in California

the back seat crew

on the road

Janne met a giant roadrunner

Welcome to Texas

A giant roadrunner made out of sneakers

Supercheap tees!

I’m selling out my stock of Sofia Talvik tees – almost for free. Get your own for just 3€! Really cool print of a record with Sofia Talvik printed on it and a pickup coming out from the left shoulder. Available in white with black print or black with white print. Both men’s and women’s tees. Available only until sold out this is your only chance to get one with this print. Get them here: or click the pictures to go directly to the merchandice.

men's tee
Men's tee
women's tee
Women's tee

New video released

So you thought my last music video was retro with its 50’s theme? Well you aint seen nothing yet! This is the new video for my single “Clown” and this time I decided I would do it all by myself. So I did all the make-up and styling and filmed it (yes I used a camera stand). Then I cut it and edited it. But I’m not ready to throw away Jonas’ fabulous producer skills just yet, I did have him help me creating the “burn-out” effect on the last few frames of the vid 😉

This is the first music video I’ve ever made and the second video I’ve made..ever (you’ve probably seen the behind the scenes video to “My James Dean”). I was inspired by old pictures and the creepy sense of the circus that the TV series “Carnivale” captured so well. The entire video was shot in my bedroom (but I won’t do a Pamela just yet), and the fab hat and stick was borrowed from my friend Theresia, they used to belong to her grandpa..

Sofia Talvik – because I care

Yet another post today. I’m keeping busy!
Sometimes I get fan mail and I try to answer them all, unless they’re really weird or really dirty. A while back I got a fan mail from a girl called Jenny. I laughed all day because of her email, because she requested a picture of me, but she wouldn’t settle for the usual press photo – she wanted a pic of me with an pet. I’m a big fan of Erik Eriksson’s book “Brev till samhĂ€llet” which basically is Erik sending all sorts of weird letters to different companies, banks, gouverments etc, demanding all sorts of strange stuff and then publish their answers. I kind of felt this could be such an email, but then again, you never know so of course I answered her email as best I could.

But it did turn out to be a prank, or rather a study in how many celebs who actually answer their fans email. You can read the story (and the email and my answer) here:

Some Lollapalooza stuff

I promise I’ll make a better blog about the tour, with pics and videos soon. But for now I have gathered a few interviews and stuff that has been written about my performance at Lolla. Check them out here:

Interview and live performance on Fearless Radio, Chicago
Interview with Consecuence of Sound
Consequence of Sound in writing
Review by Hectic but eclectic
Photos of my set by Shadixpn
Photos by Underground Bee
Review by Chicago Sun Times
Review by
Review by Left of the Dial
Review by Chicago Music Guide
Live interview with Chicago Music Guide