I can’t believe we’re down to the last EP in the L.O.V.E saga. In just over a month “E – Part Four of L.O.V.E” will be released and today we’re starting up the pledge for the final EP. Last but not least my guitarist Marcus Högquist is making his debut as a producer. Marcus has played in my band since 2004 and know all there is to know about my music. He’s the most talented guitarist I ever met and I’m sure he’ll be just as talented when it comes to producing.
Another great piece of news is that I have written a duet for the EP. It’s called “7 miles wide“ and Swedish artist Pontus Borg will be singing the song with me on the EP. You might have heard Pontus sing in the Langely commercial which is running on Swedish TV right now. You can have a listen to his awesome song “Free” here!
And if that wasn’t enough you’ll get my demo version of the song for free when you pledge.
We have some great stuff to choose from this time.
- Hand crafted CDs
- T-Shirts
- Posters
- Signed Lyric Sheets
And if you missed out on any of the previous EPs you can also get a full download of all the previous EP’s in the L.O.V.E saga.
E – Part Four of L.O.V.E” is released November 1st!
Pre-order it here!
Thanks so much for helping me out with this project. I couldn’t have done it without you.