Dreamin’ in Lakeland and Tampa

Visiting WMNF 88.5 in Tampa

The tour has finally begun for real, meaning that we’ve started touring in the RV. The maiden voyage went to Lakeland where I did a gig at the awesome Evolution Records along with Brian Clark Miller. Me and Jonas then headed up to Bartow where we very graciously were allowed to boondock in Arlenas yard.

We then headed to Publix supermarket to get a lot of basic stuff that we needed in the RV kitchen, like ketchup, spices and stuff like that. We spent way too much time shopping and then had to speed our way to the Tampa radio station WNMF 88.5 where I played some songs and had a chat with DJ John Palmer.

I love the name of this product :)
I love the name of this product 🙂
Visiting WMNF 88.5 in Tampa
Visiting WMNF 88.5 in Tampa

In the evening we played at The Independent in Tampa, or Seminole Heights to be exact. We had a great time and met some awesome people.

Thanks to Evolution Records, WNMF and the Independent as well as everyone who came to see me!

Don’t miss out on downloading me free Christmas single and support ActionAid in their fight against poverty here:

Florida Acoustic Tour

My “Florida Acoustic” Tour is over and it’s been great! I did 7 gigs in 7 days all of them outside. Going from one side of Sweden to the other I was so happy to be travelling with a Bose L1 system. Not only was it a dream to travel with as it’s so light and easy to demount but the comfort of knowing how your sound is going to be no matter where you perform is priceless. One of the biggest challenges you meet as a performer is coming to different venues and having to play with different sound systems of different quality so it was really relaxing to know that my music would sound the same no matter where I was. I met a great deal of lovely people and also had a steady audience online that followed my live stream.

A big thanks to all of you that listened live and online, to all the venues and of course Bose for making my tour a great deal easier! Here’s some videos and photos from the tour:

Sofia Talvik Live at Flyt, Stockholm Sweden

Sofia Talvik Live in Visby

Flying home from Visby

Sofia Talvik live at Fettmules Sommarfestival, Gnesta

People hanging out at Fettmules Sommarfestival

With Lena, the lovely founder of Fettmules Sommarfestival

Waiting for the gig

Hector the pug was visiting my gig at Landet

Jonas is setting up the Bose L1 system at Katalin, Uppsala

Ready to play at Flyt in Stockholm

Sofia Talvik live at Flyt, Stockholm
Sofia Talvik live at Flyt, Stockholm

Sofia Talvik live at Flyt, Stockholm
Sofia Talvik live on the roof at Flyt, Stockholm

In a hot car on our way to Båstad

After the gig at Riviera in Båstad

Buy the Acoustic album here
Buy the Acoustic album here (click the pic)

Att lägga sitt liv i någon annans händer

Jag såg just ett inlägg på en annan blog med en video om hur företaget som tillverkar knapparna vid övergångsställena har en guds-hand som symbol och ber böner varje morgon. Det tyckte jag var otäckt. Att företag som når ut till miljoner människor har gömda symboler och budskap i sina produkter. Usch! 

Jim Jones (The Jonestown institute)

Själv ger jag ut en skiva nästa vecka som heter “Jonestown“. Den är döpt efter sekten People’s Temple i USA, där Pastor Jim Jones tvingade de drygt 900 medlemmarna att begå självmord 1978. Inte för att jag tror på det som de trodde på, och inte för att jag vill uppmana folk att begå självmord. Utanför att jag tycker att det är naturligt att ta ansvar för sitt eget liv och sina egna handlingar. Lägger man sitt liv i någon annans händer kan det hända att den personen slänger bort det. Därför tyckte jag att videon i detta inlägget var riktigt läskig och borde ge folk en tankeställare.

Jag lägger in videon här, men kolla gärna orginalposten.