I suppose many of you that read this blog has found it through myspace.
I know everybody's already been raving about myspace for ages but I have to cheer a bit more. This time it's because of a wonderful pianist I found through myspace and immediately tied to the new album.
I actually used to play the piano myself. I played classic paino for about 10 years, but then I moved out of my parents place and realised that a guitar is so much lighter than a piano. I still play when I'm at their house and I sometimes dream of having my own piano, but for now the guitar will have to do, and for playing on the album, well I better leave that to someone more talanted than me.
So when I stumbled over Jozsef Nemeth's myspace site I couldn't have been more lucky. Funnily enough Jozsef is Swedish, like me, even though he lives in the US. And with you eight million or so Americans on myspace, we Swedes have to fight for our own, right? Anyway, we exchanged a couple of emails and later that week a mp3 found its way to my inbox. I didn't dare to hope too much as you never know with people on the internet (just a while ago one person offered to mix my album in Garageband… so there sure are all kinds). But the piano Jozsef had composed for my song was wonderful, daring, careful and beautiful.
I'll post some samples later on, so until then you'll have to make do with this pic of Jozsef. And visit his myspace site for some of his own samples.