“E” is here today!

E - Part Four of L.O.V.E
E - Part Four of L.O.V.E
E - Part Four of L.O.V.E


Happy November 1st everyone! Today is the day when the L.O.V.E saga has become complete! “E – Part Four of L.O.V.E” is now available on iTunes, Amazon and all the other places where you like to buy good music!

I’d like to thank everyone who has helped me fund this EP and all the other EPs in the L.O.V.E saga. It’s been a great experience and I could never have guessed that I had fans like you!

This week will be filled with making T-shirts, Posters, CDs and stuff for all you guys. I hope to get all the things sent out by the end of the week. Again – thank you so much for being a part of this journey!

E – Update #3

E - Part Four of L.O.V.E update #3

Here’s a video from the studio when we recorded the vocals for “7 Miles Wide” Marcus has recorded a bunch of guitars and Joakim Lundgren has added drums as well. You’ll also get to hear an exclusive preview of the finished version of the song at the end of the video featuring Pontus Borg on vocals.

Thanks for helping out to fund this last EP in the L.O.V.E saga. Go here to help us finish the EP so we can release it on November 1st as planned.

E – Update #2

Notes for "If I had a man" by Sofia Talvik
Marcus playing the guitar on "E - Part Four of L.O.V.E"
Marcus playing the guitar on "E - Part Four of L.O.V.E"

“E – Part Four of L.O.V.E” is coming along nicely! Here’s some pics and videos from our first recording session. Marcus was a bit annoyed with me for making him have wine before recording but we had a good time and as you can hear it sounds great too 🙂

Notes for "If I had a man" by Sofia Talvik
Notes for "If I had a man" by Sofia Talvik

Please help ups make this EP by pledging here!

Here’s how it works:

The EP “E – Part Four Of L.O.V.E” is the last part of a four piece saga called “L.O.V.E” – Help me fund them today!

“L.O.V.E” consists of four separate EP’s with four tracks each, that will be released every 3 months during 2011.

I had a great response raising the money to release the first 3 EPs, not only were the fans influencing and enabling the releases, they also got access to the making through exclusive videos, demo releases, blogs and my musical journey.

This is how you can be a part of this:

1. Make A Pledge
Invest in an exclusive package from the list on http://www.sofiatalvik.com/v-part-four-of-l-o-v-e/. The packages includes signed memorabilia and other personalized treats.

2. Enjoy Updates
I’ll be posting exclusive videos, mp3’s, photos, and blogs throughout our journey. You’ll be able to comment, so if you have any interesting ideas, let me know.

3. Receive the download first
Once completed, you’ll be the very first to receive the download of the album. I’ll then be making all of your items, and the Pledge project will then come to a close.

I run my own label, produce everything by myself and I’m very hands on with the music and everything around it. All the bundles are endorsed and personally produced. They represent a personal part of me and I want to share that with you.

Please do keep checking back for updates and you can always hang out with me on http://www.facebook.com/sofiatalvikmusic and I look forward to our journey together.

Sofia Talvik

V – is released today!!

V by Sofia Talvik
V by Sofia Talvik
V by Sofia Talvik

Hurray! Today ‘V – Part Three of L.O.V.E‘ is finally released, and it’s all thanks to all of you pledgers who helped me fund this EP and encouraged me through the production.

This time my bass player Janne Manninen has transformed my songs into electronica pop – a totally new sound for me which I love and I hope you will too.

Last night I started printing all the posters and T-shirts that you have ordered so soon all the goodies will be in your mail box! It’s now just one more EP in the L.O.V.E saga to be made and I hope you will support me through that too. It’s time to pop the champagne my friends so start dancing to your very own copy of ‘V – Part Three of L.O.V.E’

And don’t forget to check out ‘A – Part Two of H.A.T.E‘ by Swedish metal band G.A.I.N which is also being released today!

V – Update #5

Delusional by Sofia Talvik, video by Martin Obert

It’s just a few weeks left until we’re releasing ‘V – Part Three of L.O.V.E’ and I just got this awesome video for the single ‘Delusional’. The video is made by Martin Obert and I asked him about his inspiration for the video, and here’s what he said:

I imagined the video when I was coming home late in the night. I was waiting for the bus and as I was sitting leaned forward with my hands together a lamp above threw a shadow on the ground. It was shaped a little like a human head and then it stroke me – there is a cool video in there.

I made the video under my table; with two lamps, two hands, a camera and a laptop for live view. I never did any hand shadows so I’ve also had to learn how and experiment a lot. That’s what made it challenging and interesting – I had to come up with a story that is possible to tell with a very limited set of expressive elements.

Check out this awesome little teaser for the video. The full length video will be released soon so hang in there!

If you haven’t pledged yet, please help us fund this project by ordering any of the cool stuff here!

‘Delusional’ by Sofia Talvik, Video by Martin Obert