Spread the word!

If you’ve signed up as a fan on reverbnation or ticked the box “join the street team” when you signed up on my newsletter, you already know what I’m talking about. Being part of my street team is about spreading the word about my music.

I have a lot of great stuff coming up for Xmas and it’s time for me to gather the street team and make something real out of it. But I can’t do it alone. I need YOUR help! So that’s why I’m looking for a few dedicated officers to take charge of the street team, make their own groups and be a bigger part of all the fun stuff we have planned. Together we can build an army!

So how do you know you’re officer material? Well, first of all you love the music. You can’t wait to tell your new friends about it. You’ve joined basically every competition there has been on sofiatalvik.com and of course you have all the album. In other words, music is you passion and this music in particular! Is this you? Send an email to streetteam@sofiatalvik.com and write a few words to describe why you think you should become a street team officer.

Let the fun begin!

Watch me live in the US

I’ll be doing a little tour in the US in the end of October. You can catch me live in New York at CMJ, in Washington DC at the House of Sweden, and the back in New York again for a gig at the Bowery Electric.

For all gig dates and information check my gig schedule here.

To get the latest updates about new gigs and other fun stuff, make sure you get my iPhone application for just $0.99 here. It will also stream my music and videos.

Stay updated – get my iPhone app!

iphone app
It’s streaming music and videos! It’s showing pictures and lets you know when there’s news, gigs and other fun stuff the instant the info is released! It’s finally here! It’s my Sofia Talvik iPhone app. Get it for your iPhone now and stay updated on your fave singer/songwriter (because I am, right?!) 🙂

Get it here!