Ny grym recension för TOANWTS

The Owls Are Not What They Seem

Innan jag börjar gotta mig i den nya fina recensionen min skiva The Owls Are Not What They Seem har fått så vill jag gärna pålysa lite tråkiga nyheter om den svenska media- och musikbranschen. Eller jag nyheter är det väl inte direkt, i alla fall inte för oss independent-artister som kör vårt eget race med egna skivbolag.

Mitt bolag Makaki Music som jag drivit sedan 2006 är givetvis med i SOM – Svenska Oberoende Musiker. Och idag fick jag den här hemska statistiken från dem i ett mail:
“Under vinterns arbete i SOM kring sammanslagningen EMI/Universal har statistik framkommit som visat på en ännu mer massiv dominans inom media än vi tidigare trott (90-95 % majorreleaser på Europeisk nivå) och då främst på radio.”

Det är tufft som det är för oss DIY-artister. Men att svenska media är så jävla köpta (ursäkta kraftuttrycket) får mig att må smått illa. Jag släpper skiva ungefär med 1,5-2 års mellanrum och TOANWTS är min 5e(!) skiva. Varje gång kämpar jag hårt med inspelning och sedan minst lika hårt med promotion. Men vad hjälper det när man är borträknad direkt för att man inte ligger på ett storbolag?

I November förra året tog jag mitt pick och pack och drog till USA för att turnéra på obestämd tid framåt (vi siktar på 2 år). Idag känner jag att det var det enda rätta, för jag har ju ändå ingen chans att få in mina låtar på rotation på svensk radio – även om 7 Miles Wide från min nya skiva blev framröstad av både jury OCH svenska folket som veckans överlägsna vinnare i p4 radio stockholm för ett tag sedan. Vad svenska folket gillar bryr sig nämligen inte radio och tidningar om. Låter jag bitter? Well kanske lite, men kan ni klandra mig när statistiken är som den är?

Nåväl, på grund av detta blev jag extra glad idag när Uppsala Nya Tidning gav TOANWTS en GRYM recension! Just därför tänker jag ta och publicera hela här och nu!


På sitt femte album låter förra Uppsalabon Sofia Talvik sin akustiska musik bli än mer avskalad men samtidigt också än mer mångbottnad. Den spröda, sårbara sången och de skimrande vackra refrängerna skapar drömska stämningslägen, där en känsla av skymning och ett ödsligt, vidsträckt nattlandskap kommer allt närmare ju mer man lyssnar.

Trots ett synbart vänt anslag målar musiken fram bilder av ett annalkande mörker där oanade faror lurpassar. Kontrasterna mellan det sköra och det hotfulla gör att skivan känns allt annat än förutsägbar och helheten är synnerligen fängslande.[/quote]
Av: Stefan Warnqvist

Nashville and Memphis

Sofia Talvik live - photo by Virdeo Puro

I’m currently freezing my fingers off in Tuscaloosa, AL where I’m playimg at the Bama Theatre tomorrow but as I’m in the Coffice  (Starbucks) working, I figured I’d let you know a little about my upcoming stops on the tour.

I’m playing in Nashville at The Listening Room Cafe on the 16th. And make sure you note the time, the gig is as early as 4.30pm!

Then we’re heading to Memphis for The Folk Alliance International Conference where we’re doing three showcases. The conference is held at Memphis Marriott and you’ll be able to hear me sing and play on the following dates and times:

Wednesday, February 22 at 9:40
Thursday, February 23 at 8:00pm
Saturday, February 25 at 1:10am

Album release tomorrow!!!

The Owls Are Not What They Seem

Last chance saloon for all of you that haven’t pre-ordered your copy of my new album “The Owls Are Not What They Seem”. You have until midnight tonight to get your pre-order or you will turn into a pumpkin or possibly an owl. The only signed physical albums that will be available are the pre-order ones. After January 31st you’ll only be able to get the digital version of the album.

A big thank you to all that pre-ordered and to my wonderful musicians and Martin Hederos and Pontus Borg for adding their magic to this magic album.

The Owls Are Not What They Seem
The Owls Are Not What They Seem

My RV life

As most of my friends in Sweden go to bed at midnight almost all activity on fb comes to a stall at 6pm my time.

So lately I’ve been hanging out on iRV2 instead. There’s always things going on there. Like how about this thread “Possibly diet coke exploding in camper?”. There’s a lot to learn if you’re new to RVing too. I read a lot about tires and batteries these days. A while ago we actually crafted insulation for our vents after I read about it on the forum. Comes in handy now that it’s cold here in NC.

And if you ask something people actually answer and try to help you.
The RV life itself is great too even though I think it’s too cold in NC (around 30F/0•C). We should have stayed in FL… Both me an J got a grey hoodie that we wear in the RV, just like an old Swedish TV show called “Macken” where all the campers wore the same tracking suits. So when I jokingly asked J today why he loves me he said “because you’re cute and have the same clothes as me”. Well I guess I better keep that hoodie on then 😉


What if we fall over?

Sofia Talvik on her bike

We’ve been touring for little over a month now and gone from sunny Florida to cold North Carolina. I’ve overcome my fear of driving the RV and since Jonas fixed the cruise control I don’t mind driving at all. But there’s still one thing that scares me. What if the RV falls over. Every time we’re on a sharp curve on a highway exit I dread this. Even though Jonas says there’s no chance of that happening I still feel like it could happen.

Sofia Talvik on tour
Me and Jonas in our hoodies in the RV

After spending a few days in Savannah, GA (what a wonderful city!) I decided we had to buy bikes so we could bike whenever we came to a city like that. So we got one off Craig’s list and one from Walmart. For a few days the bikes were parked inside the RV and were taking up all the space we had. Because even if a bike is only $50 at Walmart, a bike rack for the RV is way more expensive. It doesn’t make sense at all, but we had to get one so we did. Only if we were to mount the bike rack we had to dismount the spare tire. So now instead of bikes we’ve had a hundred year old spare tire in the RV. No it didn’t fit into any of the storage compartments. Someone said we should put it under the bed but it’s old and smelly and had dead frogs and moss on it. So I don’t really think it’s going to be useful if we ever come to need a spare tire in the future.

The day after we got the bike rack and put the bikes on it we stayed in the parking lot behind the bar where I played in Charleston, SC and in the middle of the night I woke up of sounds and the RV rocking (you’d think it’s steady but it’s like a boat really). I looked out through the bedroom window and there was a guy trying to do something to the bikes, probably steal them. That’s not really something you want to wake up to. As soon as he saw my face in the window though he took off, but I couldn’t go back to sleep for hours and then I had nightmares the rest of the night.

Sofia Talvik on her bike
Me on my bike in Winston-Salem

Everything got better once we came to Wilmington, NC and stayed a night with our friend Majsan. Wilmington is such a beautiful town. Actually all the towns we’ve been to since Savannah has been pretty great. We’re in in Winston-Salem, NC now and it’s beautiful. We’ve biked around the city which doesn’t have much of a city center but lots of beautiful houses. The gigs have all been great too. Sometimes one would wish for a larger audience, but at least the people who’ve shown up have been there to listen to me and that’s what’s important after all. I was pretty disappointed that SxSW didn’t come through with an official invite this year. I’ve been incited the last three years of which I’ve played two. And every time I’ve had to pay for expensive plane tickets and hotels for me and the band. So when I’m finally here, doing a great tour, having a new CD out January 31st, they don’t invite me. But I still have a few unofficial SxSW shows so if you’re going to be there you can still see me play.

Me, Majsan and Spades in Wilmington, NC

Ok that’s all for now folks!

See you on the road