Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
So I got an email from Georgia who told me that she and her fellow students at the Birmingham Institute of Art and design had made a video for my song “Delusional” from the EP “V – Part Three of L.O.V.E“. Of course I had to share it and here it is!
Created in collaboration with: Georgia Williamson Lilith Winnicott Laura Stubbs Charlotte Burton Kathryn Hughes
You know the rat in the pizza myth. So there’s a couple of misperceptions about our tour and the RV, and some of them are so reaccuring that I felt I had to write a little post about it. Everyone’s been really sweet and I know they all mean well and just don’t know better but here’s the most common things people think/ask/tell us about our tour and the RV. It always makes me smile 🙂
“You can stay in our guest room and have a good night’s sleep in a REAL bed” Well, we actually have a brand new IKEA Sultan Queen Size mattress with a real feather duvet in our bedroom in the RV, but thanks 😉
“You should come over for dinner, when was the last time you had a home cooked meal?” Probably for lunch, or dinner yesterday… Actually most of the food we eat is home cooked, in the RV. I actually wish we would have more money to spend on eating out. But we ALWAYS appreciate being invited for dinner, so please keep inviting us!
“It must be nice to have a two year vacation, just cruising around the US! Seriously, that would be a dream come true. But we have to work every day with booking shows, doing promotion, driving to the next gig, performing etc. We work more and harder than we ever had before. And it’s worth it for sure, but it’s NO vacation.
To check out the before and after pictures of our RV redesign go here!
It’s been almost three months and it’s about time I post the before and after pics of the RV. It might show that I’ve got a history being Art Director for an Interior Magazine… haha.
As you know we bought this old beauty in FL in November to become our home for the next two years. Naturally we weren’t keen on keeping the turqouise carpet. And when pulling off the old pinkish wallpaper a whole bunch of waterleaks apperad as well. But most of it has been taken care of now. We spent two weeks rippng everything out and putting in new floors, wallpaper, tile, the lot. And here’s how it looks now. For info about each and every photo click “show info” on top right side of the page. And if you don’t want see this as a photo slide you can click here to view the images in your own pace.
I haven’t made it as a play-mate yet, but I’m not sorry because I’d much rather be a K-mate!
I’ve done many interviews in my day, answering questions about my music and stuff like that. This time the interview was quite different. How would you react if someone asked you how often you pick your nose for example. Would you be offended? I wasn’t because my friend Scott usually says way worse things than that to me. I think he was even restraining himself when he did the interview with me for his new issue of K Composite magazine that’s available FOR FREE in the app store (for iPad).
K Composite
Now if I’d be the only one who was interviewed the magazine would be very thin, (something Scott also realized) so he made an effort and interviewed a whole bunch of other people too. You see the thing with the K Composite magazine is that it’s just a lot of interviews with ordinary – or maybe I should say extraordinary – people. You won’t find celebrities but you will find a bunch of weird questions and answers.
K Composite launched in 1991 as a fanzine and this is the first issue for the iPad. As I’m a designer myself I can tell you that Scott has made a pretty awesome job with the design, playing with different fonts and adding graphics and 3D pictures.
It’s been amazing that I have received so much help, support and interest from my fans during the production of my two latest EPs. Thanks to YOU I have been able to record and release them, and for that I am eternally grateful!
Now it’s time for me to start making part three of the L.O.V.E saga and I need your help again. This time it will be a little bit different. For one I’m using Bandcamp instead of Pledgemusic and this time I have affixed packages to make it easier for you to choose your level of involvement. Like before, you’re very welcome to send me an email or comment below if you feel that something is missing amongst the items available to pledge for and I’ll be happy to include it. You will still receive updates from the project such as blogs, pics and videos.
The interesting thing about this project is that I have four different producers, the four guys that also happen to be in my backing band. They are all very talanted but they all have very different taste in music and I thought it would be interesting to see how they interpreted my songs if I gave them the chance. ‘L’ was produced by my cello player Christian Hörgren and ‘O’ by my drummer Joakim Lundgren. We’re now down to ‘V’ and this time it’s my bass player Janne Manninen who produces the EP. His roots are more dance and electronica than the others and this EP will be very different from all my other stuff. But it’s still me doing the vocals and guitar and it’s all my songs, just in a new exciting suit.