No country for old men

We’re on the road. Stuck in a too small pick up truck. The only upside is the Jack Daniels for the guys and the scenery for me. Tonight we’re staying at a really lousy motel. Motel 6 would look like the Hilton compared to this ;-). Well at least I have wifi so I can do my blogs, check my emails and all that. We’ve been joking about staying at a motel like the ones in “No country for old men” and now we are. We walked to a Mexican restaurant across the street and while we were in there the guys spotted a man that looked EXACTLY like the guy in “No country for old men”. I tried to take a picture of him with my iPhone, it’s not great but you’ll see.

I’m really looking forward to coming to Austin so we can decide our own pace and our own stuff and have some fun and play some music.

Check out the guy in the back

The real deal

An here’s some “on the road” pictures

Beautiful scenery in California

the back seat crew

on the road

Janne met a giant roadrunner

Welcome to Texas

A giant roadrunner made out of sneakers

Two new videos!

So I’ve been busy with planning the US release of “Jonestown”. And as I’m releasing three new videos each week I’ll try to make it up to Sara Rumar for not posting her earlier by doing it now!

Sara and I met when we were both summer temps at one of Sweden’s largest newspapers. We discovered our common interest for music and soon gained the nickname “The Glittertwins” in the office. Sara has since released 2 cool pop albums in Sweden and Germany.

Check her out here: and

Sofia Talvik / Sara Rumar – Prove me wrong

Song: Prove me wrong (Jonestown 2008)
Guest artist: Sara Rumar

Guest number 2 is country singer Kristina Westin.
I first heard of Kristina Westin from my husband’s co-worker who plays the guitar in her band. We went to a few of their gigs and were impressed by Kristinas husky voice and talented songwriting. Kristina who has only released an EP yet will release her debut album later this year – and we’re looking forward to it!

Check out her stuff here:

Sofia Talvik / Kristina Westin – Burning fields

Song: Burning Fields (Jonestown 2008)
Guest artist: Kristina Westin

New video with Christian Kjellvander

Worldwide release!

In the end of October 2009 I’m releasing my third album “Jonestown” in the USA and later on in Japan. To give you a preview of the songs from the album I have gathered 12 of my favorite Swedish artists who will each perform one song from the album live with me on tape. Every week a new video is released, with a new song and a new guest artist.

I was just about to go to the US to tour with my new album “Jonestown” when I recorded this video with Christian Kjellvander, one of Sweden’s most prominent country singer/songwriters.

When Christian told me about the tour he’s about to make this fall I did get a bit jealous because it sounded so awsome. Christian is also going to the US, but he’ll be doing a livingroom tour, which means he’ll be playing in people’s homes. How awsome is that! I hope that all you guys will check out his schedule on his website and make sure to catch one of his performances because you won’t get disapointed, I promise.

Sofia Talvik / Christian Kjellvander – At the end

Song: At the end (Jonestown 2008)
Guest artist: Christian Kjellvander

About Christian:
After releasing several Loosegoats albums and the great Songs of Soil album Christian released hit breakthrough debut “Songs From A Two-Room Chapel” in 2002. In 2005 “Faya” was released and then Christian has been touring ever since with the occasional break. Now “I Saw Her From Here/I Saw Here From Her” is done. This fall Christian is heading to the US to do a “livingroom tour” playing in people’s homes.

Contest in Todays Country Magazine


Today’s Country Magazine loves my album Jonestown and gives you a chance to love it too by giving away the album to 3 lucky winners. Go to TCM’s website for details. As my private CD shop is closed for the summer, this is probably the best way to get a hold of a copy of Jonestown! 🙂 The contest is open until May 29th.