Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
Hey guys
Don’t miss the festivals Hoodsfred and Re:publik (both in Stockholm) this upcoming weekend. Friday me and my lovely Tallboys are playing at the big stage at Hoodsfred in Kista at 7.40pm (kl 19.40). We’ll bring you songs from the new(ish) album Street of Dreams and it’s for free so don’t miss it!
Saturday I’ll do a very special gig with Sophie Rimheden as most of of you know as Sweden’s own electronica princess! We’ll be doing a very clubby, discoey kind of performance for all of you who want to dance and party. This is the first time we’ll perform live together and to get a hint of what you might get to hear, check out our myspace site www.myspace.com/sofiasophie
We’re playing in Allhuset on Frescati at 11pm (kl 23) and it’s a free festival.
I updated my video page with a few videos from the live gig I did in London in January.
The whole gig was taped Paul Murff. The videos are available on Youtube.com or on my video page.
It’s been a hectic week to say the least. I decided to skip one of the songs for the album (as everybody thought it was horrible except me, haha) and had to choose and record a new one. I decided for yet another song with the word “shoe” in the lyrics and probably will have to rename the entire album to “shoes” now .We decided not to put Baby, eeerr I mean Anders, in the corner anymore (as he was forced to be there during the recordings of the last album, that studio simply wasn’t big enough for him and his bass) so we even gave him his own room this time. Check out the video here:
[flv:/video/recordingbass.flv 320 240]
I’m nothing but truly impressed of the way he nailed all these songs in just six hours. We rehearsed a few of them for the gig at Landet and the radio gig last week but there were several he never heard before and he did brilliantly! Even the song “Holding your hand” which he renamed “the Zappa-song” because of all the half times hidden in it. Being unrehearsed may not be the ultimate way of doing it but I must say it does add a kind of nerv that you don’t get if you know the songs too well.
Anyway, next week we’ll be recording Marcus and his guitars, yep he’ll be doing both acustic and electric this time. And I’ll record the last song for the album (no shoes in that one), which I have to do in the studio where we recorded the bass, because I have to play and sing at the same time.
The studioMe as the true technician.. press "rec" press "stop"... Jonas, behind the camera, did all the real work.No wonder we had to give Anders a bigger room, we couldn't even fit him into one frame...It's a kind of magic: the other halft of AndersNow here's the big picture! With a bit of a distance we managed to get all of him. Isn't it beautiful, well it sure sounds beautiful!
…for coming to the gig last night! We ha a splendid time, didn’t we!
Unfortunately my opening act Ipher&The Cains canceled at the last minute but having talanted friends is always a plus in such a situation and my wonderful friend Sara Rumar came through on half an hours notice and made a wonderful acustic performance together with Henrik Ekberg.
Anyway, you were a great crowd, and it was a real pleasure to play for you. Here are some photos from last night.
Anders (by the piano) and Christian preparing for the gig.Me and my friend Sara Rumar.Sara and Henke in action. Henke borrowed my guitar, check out the lovely inlay. (Nicely shaved armpit by the way)Me and the boys trying out the new songs.
Sometimes when you're working on something creative, like I'm working on my album now, you get alot of other creative ideas.
Isn't it typical, just as I decided which songs to have on the album, I get so inspired I write a new song that I just have to add as well. Not that I'm complaining, a moment of inspiration is always welcome and wonderful. Last night it ended up with this song: