Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
I visited KRWG when I was in Las Cruces, NM in January and recorded a few songs live for their Music Spotlight. It’s now aired and you can check it out here! And when you’re there make sure you check out my friends in Secret Circus as well, you can find their music spotlight here!
[quote] Swedish folk artist Sofia Talvik brings sweet vocals, soft guitar to High Desert[/quote]
I’m doing my first New Mexico gig tonight in Las Cruces at the High Desert Brewing Company at 8pm. Here’s an article in Pulse, the weekend edition of Silver City Sun News. You can read the whole interview here! I’m also playing at Peco’s Winery tomorrow 01/18 with fellow Swedes Secret Circus! Don’t miss!
I’m teaming up with my fellow Swedes Secret Circus for a show in Roswell, NM on January 18th. Being a X Files fan I can’t wait to get there! Vision Magazine in New Mexico did an interview with me in December and you can check it out here! (page 10) Or simly read it below.
2012 has been an amazing year. My tour has taken me to 35 states and I’ve done over 200 shows. I’ve met wonderful people and made new friends all over the US. In January and February I’m wrapping up my Drivin’ & Dreaming Tour here in the US before moving it to Europe. I’m touring my way back to Florida where it all started over a year ago and by that I’m completing the circle around the US. You have all been such a big support this year, helping me through flat tires and new releases. I have a bunch of shows booked in the Southern States in January and February and I hope to see both new as well as familiar faces on the shows. Here’s a list of my upcoming shows, more dates to come, see all details on my GIG page. Happy New 2013!
Thursday, 01/03 Kingman. AZ The Cellar Door Time: 7:00 pm.
Wednesday, 01/09 Flagstaff, AZ Mia’s Lounge Time: 8:00 pm.
Thursday, 01/10 Phoenix, AZ The Lost Leaf Time: 9:00 pm.
Saturday, 01/12 Phoenix, AZ Obscura (Rips) Time: 9:00 pm.
Thursday, 01/17 Las Cruces, NM High Desert Brewing Company Time: 8:00 pm.
I knew I couldn’t be the only Swedish artist to tour the US in an old van! So today’s window is a Christmas card from another Swedish band who also like to do that. Folk-Rock band Secret Circus who are kindly sharing their song “Waves” as a free download with all the followers of my Xmas Calendar!
Secret Circus was started by twins Klas and Joel Åhman in 2008 in Stockholm, Sweden. The maiden voyage sent the brothers bumming around Europe, playing their way from town to town. They immediately discovered that music was their calling and decided to give music their all. They quit their jobs and spent the following year writing and recording their debut album “This is Secret Circus“.
Every year they flee the cold winter of Sweden and spend the season in their studio in Roswell, NM where they’ve recorded most of their material. And on January 18th I’ll be joining them for a concert in Roswell, NM (aliens anyone?) so don’t miss out on that if you’re in the neighborhood. Go to https://sofiatalvik.com/gigs for details.