
It’s funny how people find different ways to listening to music. Me – I get obsessed. I listen to the same song over and over again, and then I move on to listen to the whole album where I usually develop new favorites that I listen to over and over again.

It’s been the same way always for me. When I first heard Wuthering Heights by Kate Bush to this week when I’ve been listening to High Violet by The National. So far I’ve been obsessed by Conversation 16 to Blood Buzz Ohio to Lemonworld … I’ve never been a fan of The National, but with their new album they really opened a door to their world. It’s just the perfect soundtrack for my life right now.

Darling piano and strings

I've had a busy week listening to various adds to the album, we've finished strings and piano and it's time for a little sample again.

Erik Jansson has been more than creative arranging some beautiful string orchestras for a couple of the songs. Erik also works with Jay Jay Johanson and has been a part of Jay Jay's set for many years now. And Jozsef has added a finishing touch to his amazing piano. It has all come together.

Here's a beautiful sample of their work conjoined. Never mind the irritating buzzing noice that my computer added when I bounced the song to mp3. I promise it won't be there on the album 😉

"Mother's way, Father's way"

Summer heat puts wings on my feet.

Summer must be the worst time of the year to record an album.

My dicipline is running low when the sun is shining. One isn´t spoiled with warm weather here in the cold north so I´ve taken the opportunity to enjoy it while it lasts instead of sitting in my bunker.

Anyway, I haven´t been as lazy as you might think but I haven´t had any nice bits to put up for show here on the blog. Today´s been a really productive day, until I realized the battery in my guitar must be running out and some of the songs I´ve recorded today has an irritating loud buzz to them. It´s sad but I have to throw them away and record them again.

I´ve got a new lovely musician to add to my orchestra (isn´t myspace wonderful!), at least for this album. His name is Myles and he may be playing some (grand?) piano on some of the songs. Todays hit "Dominos" is just shipped off to get some beautiful piano instead of my strumming guitar, I can´t wait to hear what he´ll make of it.

That´s all for tonight folks, my shoulders are aching and I´m off to bed.

Enjoy a preview of "Dominos" here.

cheers Sofia