Unmistakably Nordic in flavor, Sofia Talvik somehow still conforms to American interpretations of her own original music, a North Sea siren blending sparkle and melancholy, creating a special niche of folk music.
Vad är bättre än att få en bra recension? Jo, att få en hel krönika tillägnad sig. Aftonbladets Per Bjurman uppmärksammar min nya skiva Big Sky Country i sin krönika och skriver:
On the Lollapalooza tour I blogged on Aftonbladet.se but this time I thought I’d give all my non-swedish friends and fans an opportunity to follow me on tour, so my tour blog this time will be in english here on my own website.
Flight trip
I’ve just arrived in Canada for Canadian Music week and am exploiting the free wifi on the Fairmont to write this. The trip yesterday was about 14 hours long and we were very happy to have some pizza and get some rest on an inflatable bed at my friend Gary Taxali’s house here in Toronto when we arrived. Gary is the most talented artist, he designed the stunning coverart for Aimee Mann’s latest album and when he heard we were coming here he invited us to stay with him. Check out Gary’s work here: http://www.garytaxali.com
At Gary Taxali’s
Today’s mission is to check out Toronto, pick up some lotion (I realized I was allergic to the one I brought from home) and to check out my favourite store “Forever 21”.
I’ve had a hectic day. This morning I woke up to several text messages from my friends telling me I’m on the cover of the two daily free-of-charge newspapers we have here in Sweden, Metro and City. After that I packed up my guitar and headed to the office of Sweden’s biggest newspaper Dagens Nyheter and guested them in their web TV cast, chatted with my fans and played a song live from the new album. One of my fans also allerted me on the chat that my blog on Aftonbladet.se is the third most read music blog in Sweden right now. That’s just awsome. So this is a happy day indeed. (Click the pictures to read the articles)
Click the pictures to check out the interview, the live performance and my Aftonbladet blog here: Â Â
Emmon är inte bara snygg, sångerska i bandet Paris och har en ny platta på g. Nu ska hon vara med på mina små webb-videos som jag håller på med också! Det ska bli så himla kul. Idag ska jag alltså åka hem till Emma (som hon egentligen heter) och spela in en låt med henne på video! Det har varit så himla kul att göra de här videosarna för det är verkligen Sveriges bästa artister som är med. Några videos finns ju här på bloggen, men ni kan hitta allihop som släppts på min hemsida www.sofiatalvik.com
Ibland har man ju fått lite sura kommentarer här av typen “vem fan är du då?” och då kan jag stolt svara med den här länken om HÖSTENS HETASTE SKIVSLÄPP: http://www.expressen.se/noje/1.1269443/hostens-hetaste-skivslapp (sorry aftonbladet för att jag länkar till konkurrenten, men jag kunde inte hålla mig, puss puss)