Upcoming Ohio dates and Scene magazine!

Clevescene recommends my gig at the Spider

I’m in the Buckeye state! That’s Ohio for all of you who are not familiar with this somewhat weird nick name. I actually had to look up what it means and here’s what I found out. Not only did the state have a lot of Buckeye trees but William Henry Harrison who ran for president in 1840 used a log cabin made out of buckeye wood his trademark and the name of the tree itself comes from the markings on the nut that resembles the eye of a buck, the Indians called it “hetuck” or “buckeye.” So that’s today’s history lession for you. Now, let’s focus on what’s yet to come!

I’m doing a bunch of gigs here in the Buckeye state and I hope to see you there of course!  Here’s all upcoming Ohio dates:

Monday, 07/09     Cleveland, OH     Barking Spider Tavern
Wednesday, 07/11     Akron, OH     Acoustix Cafe
Thursday, 07/12     Akron, OH     Annabells Bar and Lounge
Friday, 07/13     Columbus, OH     Woodland Tavern
Tuesday, 07/17     Cincinnati, OH     Sitwell’s Coffee House
Wednesday, 07/18     Cincinnati, OH     Mayday Northside
Thursday, 07/19     Dayton, OH     South Park Tavern

For times and ticket links please visit my gig page here!

Cleveland’s Scene Magazine hooked up with me a while ago to pick my brains about the gigs here in Cleveland and you can read all about it here!

Clevescene recommends my gig at the Spider
Clevescene recommends my gig at the Spider

Playing in Philly tonight!

Sofia Talvik in Daily Local News

[quote] This week, area venues will host shows by two talented singer-songwriter-guitarists who have been on the scene for a while and appear ready to have breakout years. Sofia Talvik has a show tonight at PhilaMoca in Philadelphia and June 28 at Chaplin’s in Spring City. [/quote]

Denny Dyroff – Daily Local News


Philadelphia newspaper Daily Local News published a nice interview today for my show at the PhilaMOCA in Philadelphia, PA tonight (Wednedsday) and my upcoming show on June 28 at Chaplin’s in Spring City. You can read it all here!

Sofia Talvik in Daily Local News
Sofia Talvik in Daily Local News

2 new interviews about the tour!

Sofia Talvik in ST-Tidningen
Sofia Talvik in ST-Tidningen
Sofia Talvik in ST-Tidningen

Swedish newspaper ST-tidningen just published a big interview with me about my tour (and put me on the cover too)! It’s in Swedish of course, but if you’re curious about reading some more about the tour and a lot of other stuff, like alligators, Florida and socialism the Boston music blog Allston Pudding just published a looooong interview with me (good thing you don’t really have the same restriction with space on the internet as you do in a paper). Read the Allston Pudding Interview here!

Read an interview in English on Allston Pudding
Read an interview in English on Allston Pudding

Portland show cancelled

Due to heavy traffic and a car accident on the way out from Cambridge, MA today, I wasn’t able to make it to my show at Longfellow Square in Portland, ME. I hope I get to come to Maine another time to see all my fans then. Until then I’m sorry I didn’t make it today. Instead you can find us at the open mic at Vic’s Boathouse at Victoria station in Salem, MA tonight.


TOANWTS review in Lira

Review of Sofia's new album in Lira

Swedish music mag Lira recently published an interview about my tour and wrote a really nice review for my new album The Owls Are Not What They Seem or as I like to call it “TOANWTS”. As the magazine isn’t available outside Sweden, I’m sharing a translated extract of the review with you here:


[quote] What really lifts the songs are the symphonic but soothingly so produced string arrangements, the playful flute and not to mention – the warm-sounding trombone. The musicians give the songs the very personality you’re longing for, especially at the times when the soloists step outside the harmonious sound. My fondness for the singer/songwriter genre is not particularly large but Sofia Talvik’s music captures, touches and radiates at the same time an indefinable beauty. [/quote]



Review of Sofia's new album in Lira
Review of Sofia's new album in Lira